I've just come across this article:''Professor wins prize for maths link to God'' http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/comment...540989.ece
It's not too long. Here's a small quote from it:
''The work of Professor Heller, above, revolves around the search for a fundamental theory of creation. His research ranges beyond Einstein and into quantum mechanics, cosmology, physics and pure mathematics, including his own version of the Heisenberg equation, below. Although his theories do not prove the existence of God, they may provide circumstantial evidence that He exists.''
It's not too long. Here's a small quote from it:
''The work of Professor Heller, above, revolves around the search for a fundamental theory of creation. His research ranges beyond Einstein and into quantum mechanics, cosmology, physics and pure mathematics, including his own version of the Heisenberg equation, below. Although his theories do not prove the existence of God, they may provide circumstantial evidence that He exists.''
"The eternal mystery of the world is its comprehensibility"
Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein