On a global scale there are only three races.
According to this http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_population asian/Mongols are the majority race on the planet, then followed by 'negroids' then the honkies bring up the rear.
Which makes them the minority race, but the control that vast majority of earths resources (right now).. So no the world should not look after minorties, as 'the man' seems to be doing pretty well for himself.
Or are you asking should the world be looking after none whites when you said minorties? (thinking on a global scale whites were the majority planet wide?)
According to this http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_population asian/Mongols are the majority race on the planet, then followed by 'negroids' then the honkies bring up the rear.
Which makes them the minority race, but the control that vast majority of earths resources (right now).. So no the world should not look after minorties, as 'the man' seems to be doing pretty well for himself.
Or are you asking should the world be looking after none whites when you said minorties? (thinking on a global scale whites were the majority planet wide?)