(November 10, 2014 at 4:20 pm)bennyboy Wrote: I'd argue that almost any peace-bringing arrangement that depends on external circumstances fits the same bill: to accept one's own fate, including the "suffering" that comes with it is better than to act in a way that one expects will bring happiness.This was part of Epicurus' Tetrapharmakon or Four-Fold Remedy: "What is terrible is easy to endure." Enduring unavoidable suffering was also an approach shared with the Stoics. In terms of Epicurean goals the type of happiness most prized was (imperturbable) inner peace, ataraxia.
Quote:I don't know them personally, but I know that LaVey himself and some of his followers gave interviews which showed perhaps not humility, but definitely a no-nonsense simplicity in their answers. I like Marilyn Manson as a spokesperson for that brand of Satanism, as well.LaVey had some good ideas (individualism, restrained hedonism, skepticism) mixed with some not so good ones (elitism, social Darwinism, eugenics...)
Quote:I think 90% of people would tell you that they feel a little more money would free them, but a lot more would weigh too heavily on them.Some positive psychologists have noted that many people tend to vastly overestimate the role wealth plays in happiness, once enough financial security to cover essential needs is met. Perhaps consumerist culture is partly to blame for such distorted beliefs.
Quote:In the end, my real issue with you right now is that I don't know what is different about (neo-)Epicureanism than what I already do, or than the majority of people I already know already do. You've described the use of wisdom to analyse various forms of information, with decisions based on what will benefit the self. Sounds like almost everyone I know, though different people succeed with this approach in varying degrees.What this approach suggests is that one possible secular answer to traditional philosophical questions about the "meaning of life", once traditional religious, moral and political options seem inadequate, is to turn to evidence-based science of happiness, and use this to forge a lifestyle with more joy and peace (for self and others, principally focused on self).
This isn't about mere scientific research however, but practical application of an applied empiricism (integrated with gut-level and emotional input data) in one's everyday life, towards such goals, as an antidote to nihilistic despair following the decline of religious faith. In short, a rational and practical behavioural philosophy.
Quote:What piece am I missing that makes Epicureanism unique or rare enough to merit the term "life hack" ?Epicureanism is a whole toolbox of philosophical life hacks. So is much of Stoicism. Both philosophies today have dogmatic followers, however I think this is not the best application of either today. A toolbox metaphor might make more sense.
For specific applications however, that will have to wait for another time.