Yay banhammer!!! Mr. O was a total gender moron. Apparently he can't cook because his dick gets in the way. Apparently I can do nothing but take care of other people because my vulva gets in the way. Somehow it's only ok to be quite drunk if you have a dick. And of coarse, manly behaviour in women is unattractive - waaaa, poor Mr. O. All those freedom loving women unattractive and making your willie shrink, Mr. O? They must be witches who have cursed your fucking manhood and made it vanish. Bye bye asshole. I like to give you believers a chance, but some of you show yourselves to be beyond hope, and without any respectable morals.
I'm really shitty at giving kudos and rep. That's because I would be inconsistent in remembering to do them, and also I don't really want it to show if any favouritism is happening. Even worse would be inconsistencies causing false favouritisms to show. So, fuck it. Just assume that I've given you some good rep and a number of kudos, and everyone should be happy...