(January 8, 2015 at 4:39 am)mralstoner Wrote:(January 8, 2015 at 4:23 am)Ryantology (╯°◊°)╯︵ ══╬ Wrote: If we're going to build concentration camps for Muslims, and that is exactly what you're suggesting, let's throw all of our right-wing xenophobic terrorists in with them. Especially since they are the reason we have armed Muslim terrorists antagonizing the West in the first place.Typical fucking left-liberal moron. A wall is a wall, it's not a concentration camp. Yes, it curbs their freedoms, that's the whole point. But we're not gassing, starving or persecuting anyone.
It's people like you, who cry at tough decisions, who will consign the West to permanent, never-ending massacres just like in Paris. You're pathetic, incompetent, self-hating losers who can't make adult decisions. Fuck you juvenile morons.
In hindsight, the West is full of dickeads like Ryantology, so we're going to need a third solution. And that's for all the sane people to move to safe parts of the West, and the demented fuckers like Ryan can live with his Muslim friends... if they decide to let him live, that is.
So, this wall you speak of........I'm guessing it will be built to separate Muslims from everybody else and to, as you say, restrict their movement?
Like a fucking concentration camp....and you have the gall to sling the insult "moron" about. Pot, kettle?
Concentration camps weren't made to gas people you dopey cunt, they were invented by the British in the Boer war to hold the indigenous population. They've been used by the Russians, Chinese, Japanese, recently by the Americans and of course, most famously, by the Nazi's (Who also used them to gas people).
Perhaps, before coming up with any genius "final solution," you might want to leaf through some history books, 1st grade should do for you. What you are suggesting has been done before, many, many times....always worked out really well too. You're not learning from our past mistakes.
Which is about as moronic as it gets really.