@Watson. I know what you are talking about and you are wrong. Just because 5 bn people claim to believe in some form of god does not count as evidence for your argument (incidentally not all religions beleive on a god (eg buddhism)). Even accepting your argument for a second by definition the vast majority of people on this planet are Beleive in the wrong god and are therefore deluded because not all religions are true. Your argument is invalid. Worse still the montheisms are all exclusivist meaning that not only are you wrong you are also in trouble when you die.
You are trying to hide behind pluralism, and are making a stronger point in favour of atheism than just the hiddeness of god. Because if god were true not only would he show himself he would also ensure the correct religion was followed.
You are trying to hide behind pluralism, and are making a stronger point in favour of atheism than just the hiddeness of god. Because if god were true not only would he show himself he would also ensure the correct religion was followed.