(February 15, 2015 at 10:23 pm)CristW Wrote: Hello all who have responded,
1. ..... Nor is the subject of salvation because it is connected to the three points offered in the 1st post.
Salvation comes before all else, you leave it out and you have nothing, like I said stop cherry picking and study to find truth.
Quote:2. Each point was derived from the New Testament themes. Each point has verses connected to it -
So, do you really believe the Christians here will accept your misrepresentation of what we live by.
Quote:a. Anti-War/Anti-military message to his followers (Matthew 5:21, Matthew 5:38-45, Matthew 10:28, Matthew 10:38, 1st John 3:11-15).
Matt. 5:38-45, a speaking of love everyone for the Christian, has nothing to do with war. This deals strictly with spiritual matters, that is being attacked for being a follower of Christ.
Matt. 10:28, again spiritual matters has nothing to do with the physical body as you are saying.
Matt. 10:38, you should have included 39, they are completely tied to each other and again spiritual matters.
1st John 3:11-15, this is again about Christians only, it has nothing to do with dealing with the world, it's how we are to deal with each other, that's why the reference to Cain and Able (brothers). We are commanded how to handle the world also.
Quote:b. Struggle economically until his return (Matthew 6:19-25,
Quoting from sources that do not know what they are saying is a good way to make you look very dumb, you have screwed up and added verses here that do not apply. As for the rest it is about living as good of life as we can in serves of God. Jesus is referring to the real life we will live for eternity.
Quote: Acts 4:32-37,
This is where you show your lack of Biblical understanding and knowledge. First, the group was putting together the church and they were not commanded to sale their property, those that did sale was doing it to help others, just as Christ had instructed to do to help other brothers and sisters. If you had read on, (if you've read at all) you would have included the part that shows the Christians were not commanded to, they did it out of their love for others. Also, if you knew Jewish law those that sold the land would have it returned after seven years, this was to preserve the ownership of the areas given to each tribe.
Quote: 2nd Timothy 6:9-10).
There are only 4 chapters in 2nd Timothy, please supply the correct verses.
Quote:c. Jesus is the Temple (John 2:19-21, Hebrews 9:11, Revelation 21:22).
I'm not even sure what you are trying to say here, unless it's that the Christians worship of God come through Christ.
Quote:d. The previous are the characteristics of his TRUE followers before his supposed return ( Hebrews 3:12, Hebrews 7:13, Hebrews 9:27-28).
Because you do not know what the scriptures say and are not a Christian you couldn't possibly know why someone is or isn't a Christian. You've shown your or someones lack of Biblical understanding.
Quote:*This means that most and all Christians would fail the above LITMUS TEST!!!, too many Christians are zionists or zionistic and also follow the prosperity gospel!!!*
The gospels do not teach Christian prosperity as some supposedly say they do. It also doesn't teach Christian poverty either. What it does teach the Christian is to lean on the One who can change your life.
The litmus test as you put it, is for the Christian church to help separate the sheep from the wolves. God himself knows the hearts of every man, woman and child, He needs no test requirements to know who we are, this shows your complete lack of understanding of the scriptures.
Quote:3. What is meant by "historical timeline"??? Simply, it is impossible to be a "Christian" in this materialistic world or realm. Furthermore, what is truly meant is that Christianity is fantasy and created in the minds of men. It is something away from reality:
Historical time line? It's not impossible for Christians to live in this materialistic world, we are instructed how to live in it without being a part of it's evil. You have no idea what your talking about and further more I do not know where you got such nonsense, I'm seriously doubting it's from your own mind. Why, because of the scriptures you've posted and your complete lack of understanding of them.
Quote:a. We, as humans, need defense and a standing military!
True, because of the evil the world has in it and Christians are not asked to stay out of defending against such evils.
Quote:b. We, as humans, need to accumulate wealth!
That might be your need or addiction, but that in no way applies to many people believers or unbelievers. Many people have greater and better agendas for their lives in this world, again this applies to unbelievers and believers.
Quote:Nevertheless, we observe that ZIONISTS have done the previous two points already. As already pointed out that ZIONISM and CHRISTIANITY are in opposition of each other. So, we have a contradiction and an absurdity.
The only absurdity here is your conclusion, you started out with false assumptions (those you believe), then you misrepresent the scriptures and twist them to try and prove your false assumption, which you've completely failed at. When one doesn't know the law of the land they are not allowed to be lawyers, one who does not understand scriptures, which it's obvious you do not, are not taken to be seriously capable of define them or the people who live by them.
Quote:c. If Jesus is the Temple then the writers of the New Testament wanted to make sure that the new Christian movement did not have similar goals as the Jewish zealots.
Actually their agendas are basically the same, just through different ways.
Quote:It was the Jewish zealots and those of Jewish Millennialist persuasion (Flavius Josephus) who dreamt of the rebuilding of the Temple. While, Paul in the books of Hebrews and Romans discussed the formation of a new "man"(The Christian sect) which would do away from the goal of rebuilding a new temple
The Jews see the temple as the real place to worship, you left out Jesus conversation with the woman at the well, where Jesus tells her about the way people will truly worship, through Him because we believe in a risen savior. There will be a new temple.
Quote:(It was spiritualized through Jesus himself in which the Book of Revelation as this message was repeated).
d. For Jesus to return, there has to be Christians which fit the previous two points (Revelation 3:2-3).
Wrong, you have twisted scripture to a degree of showing your stupidity, why would you subject yourself to such a pitiful thing. Your making an assumption you have no proof of, Christ will return to take home His people and finish the judgement of all mankind.
Quote:*However, there are other indicators which suggest that the writers of the New Testament expected Jesus return 70 years after the Roman destruction of the Temple - 140 A.D.! In opposition to the Jewish Zealots idea of the rebuilding of the Temple in 140 A.D.! because they expected another political power to remove the Romans just as the Persian empire destroyed the Babylonians (Ezra, Nehemiah era). In other words, they expected a repeat of history (Matthew 24:34).
The Jewish people were expecting a Messiah that would free them from Roman rule, not another government. The scripture tell us this was never the intent and the early Christians did not believe this. Paul did expect an earlier return of Christ, he changed before he died. The verses you used do not in the least show that Christ or the disciples called for an early return. The mistake Paul made was his misunderstanding of what the disciples told him.
God loves those who believe and those who do not and the same goes for me, you have no choice in this matter. That puts the matter of total free will to rest.