"Why do you presume you can set the rules for God's court. God has already set the rules and guess what you can not get in on your own merit it will not stand up to God's rules. There are two ways one can enter heaven.
1) You can be judged by God's perfect standard by your own merit. (Fail)
2) You can allow Christ and His perfect life to stand in your place and be jugded for you. (Pass)
Islam and Christianity do not share the same God."
We presume from the foundational texts of your religion and the utterances of its leaders. The god you worship is happy for you to live a life of total depravity and then 'find him' just before you 'pop your clogs', and hey presto your in heaven. Lead a virtuous life but worship another god or not one at all and you're in shit street. By what standard is that just or merciful.
ps still no response to my challenge around forced love.
"Why do you presume you can set the rules for God's court. God has already set the rules and guess what you can not get in on your own merit it will not stand up to God's rules. There are two ways one can enter heaven.
1) You can be judged by God's perfect standard by your own merit. (Fail)
2) You can allow Christ and His perfect life to stand in your place and be jugded for you. (Pass)
Islam and Christianity do not share the same God."
We presume from the foundational texts of your religion and the utterances of its leaders. The god you worship is happy for you to live a life of total depravity and then 'find him' just before you 'pop your clogs', and hey presto your in heaven. Lead a virtuous life but worship another god or not one at all and you're in shit street. By what standard is that just or merciful.
ps still no response to my challenge around forced love.