Read it and still read parts of it for a laugh.
Honestly I got more out of the Iliad and the Oddysey than the bible. At least they were entertaining. But the bible is mostly dull dull dull. It's just not very good.
So OP, turns out many here have read the bible. Now what?
Got any evidence your god is any more real than aphrodite? And aphrodite was beautiful with a nice set of knockers, so your god already had two strikes against him.
Honestly I got more out of the Iliad and the Oddysey than the bible. At least they were entertaining. But the bible is mostly dull dull dull. It's just not very good.
So OP, turns out many here have read the bible. Now what?
Got any evidence your god is any more real than aphrodite? And aphrodite was beautiful with a nice set of knockers, so your god already had two strikes against him.