I know nothing about fox hunting so I looked up more information.
It sounds as if they can still kill foxes and engage in all the rituals of the fox hunt but they can't let the dogs kill the animal. They are fighting for the right to let their dogs tear the prey apart instead of killing it quickly?
I know nothing about fox hunting so I looked up more information.
Quote:After years of passionate debate, the House of Commons finally voted in 2004 to pass the Hunting Ban; the final count was 356 to 166 [source: Alvaraz]. The ban made the use of dogs to kill prey illegal. Basically, riders could still follow hounds on horseback as hounds chased the fox, but when the fox is found, all but two dogs must be restrained. Those two dogs aren't allowed to kill the fox, as before, but may flush it out so that the hunter kills it with a gun. So in the end, what's so bad about fox hunting is not that the fox died, but that the fox was dying at the claws of dogs.
It sounds as if they can still kill foxes and engage in all the rituals of the fox hunt but they can't let the dogs kill the animal. They are fighting for the right to let their dogs tear the prey apart instead of killing it quickly?