(March 16, 2015 at 5:38 pm)Dontsaygoodnight Wrote: One observation I can make about the atheists that I have met is that they love the idea of having the truth and they hate liars. I am Christian. It is too late for me to convert to atheism for I have had that personal encounter with Jesus Christ, that so many people talk about. He has spoken to me. I could only become an anti-Christ at this point. I had long misunderstood what Jesus meant by "the meek shall inherit the Earth", because I understood the word, "meek", to be along the lines of submissive, yielding, gentle but in regards to my relationship with fellow humans. 1. What he meant was that those who are formed by God will inherit the Earth. So blessed are those that can be molded by God.
I have no idea if it rare for God to speak to someone. For all that I know he speaks with his people on a regular basis.2. He spoke with me in secret. He gave me no material evidence that I could show to others. 3.I don't feel the need for others to believe that this occurred or even that anyone know that such a thing transpired. It was a personal blessing and a reward. Not for being perfect. Even knowing that God exists did not stop me from my future sins just like knowing God is real didn't save anyone else, that heard him, from sinning. It is a comfort, don't get me wrong. I enjoy being beyond the debate even if makes no difference to anyone. But it didn't change me instantly into a better person. Anyway, that's the thing I was going to illuminate for someone. Maybe no one.4. Even if God proved his existence you might be surprised by how little it moved you to significant behavioral change. Even Jesus, the one begotten by God, was killed for a charge of blasphemy and for all intents and purposes they were speaking directly to God and God was speaking directly to them.
At any rate, I'm sure most of you have your humanity to your own degree, no matter what you believe in. But still you have some humanity. There are worse ways to be.5. I have no proof of it, of course, but the God of hosts, has stopped a great many people from losing their humanity and helped many people recover it and in this way he has prevented a great deal of evil. It's a world of good and evil where God raises human beings. He knows few people will find him. He said so himself.6. But the truth be told, if God so chose, he could take any one of you decent human beings and make a son of God out of you. And if he doesn't, and you somehow found out he didn't write your name in his book of life, I wonder, would you hate him for not making it easy enough for you too. But really, have you done anything wrong for trying to be scientific and go about life like a detective, gathering the evidence, weighing and measuring things just like you've been taught to do? Nope. And the effect of your sins upon your life's spirit. Your joy, hope, love, etc. etc. For all we know it could be much worse except for the efforts of God. We might all be starring off in the distance drooling little pools of spit.7. At least we have enough spirit to be angry and take God's name in vain. Praise be to God for the sacrifice he gave by sending his Son, Jesus, into the world, to give us life more fully, and for his mercy from the cross, who did not call down wrath upon his enemies but did the will of the Almighty, throughout his bodily and his own personal experience with human beings.
1. Your interpretation of the bible. Out of thousands.
2. Get help.
3. The existance of the line negates its content.
4. You might be right. God can screw off if she does exist.
5. Complete bullshit. Ask a vet. I've watched people die for this supposedly loving god. See answer 4.
6. Your suggestion that we're not already "decent human beings" is an insult, but frankly par for the course.
7. I have no need of your imaginary friend. See answer 4.
Try again.
I reject your reality and substitute my own!