I want to believe that is there no gratuitous suffering in the world because the number of animals who have and will experience excruciating pain for the mere sake of another's immediate and transient gratification just seems too bleak, too dark.
I want to believe that the choices I make do not hinge on every antecedent condition that led to the moment of my present decision.
I want to believe that someone or something created the Universe with all of its beauty and ugliness, chaos and order, creation and destruction, with a purpose in mind that includes my existence.
I want to believe that when I die I will understand every mystery that evades my understanding.
I want to believe that I will not suffer a violent death, nor that a loved one will, nor that I will ever lose the faculties of my intellect or senses as my body deteriorates with age, nor a limb, nor a shelter over my head, nor...
I want to believe a lot of things. It doesn't mean I can have them, and it doesn't mean they are true. You don't like it? Tough shit. Try to make this world, the one you know exists in some fashion, better to whatever extent your abilities allow, instead of wasting your time construing ad hoc assurances in another that you can only ever imagine in your head. The correct wager is not a rejection of a unfathomably enjoyable phantom world, it's an acceptance of this terrifying yet awesome concrete one.
I want to believe that the choices I make do not hinge on every antecedent condition that led to the moment of my present decision.
I want to believe that someone or something created the Universe with all of its beauty and ugliness, chaos and order, creation and destruction, with a purpose in mind that includes my existence.
I want to believe that when I die I will understand every mystery that evades my understanding.
I want to believe that I will not suffer a violent death, nor that a loved one will, nor that I will ever lose the faculties of my intellect or senses as my body deteriorates with age, nor a limb, nor a shelter over my head, nor...
I want to believe a lot of things. It doesn't mean I can have them, and it doesn't mean they are true. You don't like it? Tough shit. Try to make this world, the one you know exists in some fashion, better to whatever extent your abilities allow, instead of wasting your time construing ad hoc assurances in another that you can only ever imagine in your head. The correct wager is not a rejection of a unfathomably enjoyable phantom world, it's an acceptance of this terrifying yet awesome concrete one.
He who loves God cannot endeavour that God should love him in return - Baruch Spinoza