Quote:Well, I have always considered living in England (or somewhere in Europe) when I get out of the military. What are some pro's and con's to everyday life there?Phew...that would take a much longer post than I'm prepared to commit to, it being 2:40 am here and all that...(I'm in full insomniac mode, but that doesn't extend to essays).
Some of the big ones -
Pros -
Less of an emphasis on religion, the majority here are definitely atheist, or very casually christian or muslim. Different areas have different percentages like any other place, but taken as a national average, I'd say religion has taken a backseat in recent decades.
We have Simon Pegg, despite you theiving bastards trying to take him from us at every turn
Lovely countryside, and plenty of old castles and other old buildings. There's some bloody gorgeous ruined abbeys in York and other cities, I've walked around in one and it's incredible.
London is great, there's always something interesting happening no matter what direction you look.
Cons -
The English Defence League, Britain First and other assorted racist hatfucker organisations. Less prevelant these days but they're still out there.
The BBC and other powerful institutions appear to be run almost exclusively by paedophiles.
Most of our towns are quite filthy, and more attention needs to be paid to cleaning the streets up via community efforts or better council management.
If you have any serious concerns, are being harassed, or just need someone to talk to, feel free to contact me via PM