(May 18, 2015 at 11:26 pm)vorlon13 Wrote: All those scripture cherry pickers running around proselytizing must certainly be annoying to you !!
How can the unSaved themselves ever hope to bring anyone else to the Lord ?? Why do they think they can ??
One of them, Elunico, actually PMed me asking what apologists I favored. I replied that I have no use for apologists. They're for the phony Christians of weak faith. They have doubts and go run to their favorite apologists to bolster their failing faith like a buttress for a crumbling wall.
Most verses in the Bible tell us that the Lord has saved whom he will and for us, our unshakable faith is a sign that we're saved. If you're a Christian with doubts, well, you're fucked then. Better you than me.
Quote:Romans 9:18 Therefore hath he mercy on whom he will have mercy, and whom he will he hardeneth.
So you, the unsaved, are just objects of wrath to satisfy the Lord's sadistic glee on Judgement Day and those phony Christians will be tossed in with the lot of you. Why our Lord needs so many objects of wrath is a mystery but maybe it comes from not getting laid more than once every 2000 years. He sure did get grumpy after they took away his wife Ashra. Can't say I blame him. I guess he sublimated his sexuality into killing and torturing the unsaved. Praise the Sweet Name of Jesus.
Now there are some verses that do support more of a "free will" kind of salvation scheme but more verses support predestination, so majority rules.
"You don't need facts when you got Jesus." -Pastor Deacon Fred, Landover Baptist Church
: True Christian is a Trademark of the Landover Baptist Church. I have no affiliation with this fine group of True Christians because I can't afford their tithing requirements but would like to be. Maybe someday the Lord will bless me with enough riches that I am able to.
And for the lovers of Poe, here's your winking smiley:
: True Christian is a Trademark of the Landover Baptist Church. I have no affiliation with this fine group of True Christians because I can't afford their tithing requirements but would like to be. Maybe someday the Lord will bless me with enough riches that I am able to.
And for the lovers of Poe, here's your winking smiley: