(January 27, 2009 at 3:09 pm)josef rosenkranz Wrote:Sorry, jr, Dubya a great hope when he took office? Not this side of the pond he wasn't!(January 26, 2009 at 8:05 am)leo-rcc Wrote: I agree. His first week has impressed me though, committed to closing quantanamo, abortion possibilities expanded. Not bad for a 'rookie'.
Unfortunately politicians are judged when they go not when they come.
Dubbya was also a great hope when he took the office 8 years ago.
Was he actually so bad or were the circumstances too strongly against him ? History will judge.
I would like to confess that being in principle against racism I'm also a skeptic about the achievements of black politicians.
Look at the great Nelson Mandela ,he fought the South-African racism ,won the fight and came to power.Where is South-Africa now? A crime and Aids and poverty stricken country.
Where is now this corner of Paradise country named once Rhodesia under the rule of black politician? Poverty stricken,aids,epidemic deseases,tyranny.
Let's look at the US.What achievements are accountable to Collin Powel?
The first Iraky war was lead by General Schwartzkopf not by him.
Before the second Iraky war he was a fierce supporter of Bush only later he got cold feet and resigned.
What political achievements could be attrubited to Condy Rice? Very
small ones if at all.
The list of failures by black politicians coud go on .
But finally let's not be pessimistic about Obama and say in a true atheistic style "So help him God" and "May God bless America"
History will judge him. like all politicians, as both a hero and a villain.....it just depends on the politics of the historian.
The rest of your post sounds pretty racist to me, I,m afraid. It's as if you are suggesting blackness works against being successful. Do you really mean that?
Almost all politicians, whatever their colour, are failures in my book.
A man is born to a virgin mother, lives, dies, comes alive again and then disappears into the clouds to become his Dad. How likely is that?