(May 28, 2015 at 9:35 pm)Randy Carson Wrote:(May 27, 2015 at 1:10 am)robvalue Wrote: I think "why be good" is perhaps the wrong question.
Instead, "why are we good" is the right question. Because clearly, we are good, by enlarge.
I have a LOT of posts to respond to, and I need to cover as much ground as I can with limited time.
You haven't actually answered my question, which has to do with our motivations and not our being. I'm going to state it again with a little more substance...I typed this up in Word earlier today.
I will look back at your post when I'm not pressed to answer so many others.
Why Be Good?
Atheists believe that science will eventually prove that God does not exist – if it has not already done so. This fails, however, to take into account that science is concerned with the material, natural things in the universe that can be observed, measured and tested, etc. Since God is immaterial, science is not equipped to answer questions concerning the existence of God – questions that are more properly suited to philosophy.
Morality is part of the world in which we all live and even atheists follow moral norms out of a desire to be "good." But what possible meaning can the word "good" have in a truly atheist universe in which God does not exist?
Terms such as "good" and "evil" would be essentially meaningless in any absolute sense because, if God does not exist and there is no transcendent moral law revealed by God which prescribes how we should act, one cannot say that any given action is good or evil. It just is what it is. One may not like or approve of a particular action, such as murder or theft, but it would be impossible to deem it "evil" in any sense beyond one’s own subjective, personal preferences. This is an example of an incoherence at work within atheism.
The atheist conviction is that human beings should be "good" for the sake of being good, as well as for the general personal and social benefits that accrue from being "good," "moral," etc. – and not because God wills that we be good.
But this is where the problems begin for atheists. Science informs us of Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution, which entails the "survival of the fittest" principle of natural selection in which the strong dominate and kill off the weak, etc. This principle can be readily observed in the animal kingdom, where stronger, faster, more aggressive alpha males get to mate with the females and produce offspring. Weaker, less dominant males do not.
A significant incoherence in atheist thought becomes clear when atheists insist, on the one hand, that the natural order is governed by the blind, random forces of nature, resulting in the "survival of the fittest" evolution of species and yet, on the other hand, they complain about the problem of evil, or decry violent acts of Muslim terrorists, or excoriate those who engage in "immoral" behavior – most especially among Christians.
But if, as atheists claim, God does not exist and all of us are simply the byproducts of natural selection’s "survival of the fittest," why shouldn’t the strong among us dominate and kill off the weak? Why shouldn’t we adopt an "every man for himself" attitude and get what we want from whomever we want it by whatever means we can get it?
IOW, why be good?
And if it true that our ancient ancestors did live by the “survival of the fittest” code, then has that code been set aside in our more enlightened era? And if so, when?
But if that code has not been discarded, then isn’t it actually a “good” thing for an individual or group to be “bad” at the expense of others who are weaker or less dominant in order to benefit one’s self, one’s family, one’s social group and even humanity as a whole?
god exists outside of space time
Nothing can exist outside of space time
god is everywhere
god would have to be a type of energy and energy has wave lengths even light and objects so if that is the case we would be able to detect it but you know there is no wave length for to determine there is a god so no god.
god is all powerful
infinite energy requires infinite mass simple physics. If god had all that energy and compressed himself down to a human being he would collapse in on himself creating a black hole destroying himself.
god is all knowing
Well believe it or not no one can know the future no one can determine or predetermine anything get over it.
god is good.....
really just really...read the fucking bible no he is not.
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