I want to answer the OP's question.
That question, and the one that logically follows it, "Where will I be in 100 years?""
began my journey for truth.
We are here to choose God.
You ask why didn't God just say, abracadabra? rather than the painful route we see.
Because after all is said and done, there will be no voice of questioning the justice of the Creator.
Everyone will stand on the result of their own choices.
That question, and the one that logically follows it, "Where will I be in 100 years?""
began my journey for truth.
We are here to choose God.
You ask why didn't God just say, abracadabra? rather than the painful route we see.
Because after all is said and done, there will be no voice of questioning the justice of the Creator.
Everyone will stand on the result of their own choices.