(July 6, 2015 at 2:32 pm)Pyrrho Wrote: Rationalist
Rationalists are excellent reasoners in all respects. They can cogently evaluate others' reasoning as well as their own whenever they choose to. They can also think fluidly about facts and figures, and they can evaluate and plan for the future with aplomb. They're rarely susceptible to the cognitive foibles that trip up others. When they apply themselves, Rationalists can master most cognitive tasks. Approximately 9% of the populace are Rationalists.
You are Reflective: You dislike jumping to conclusions quickly. You’re adept at reflecting on your own thoughts. When it looks like your intuitions might be leading you astray, you don’t have a problem overriding them — instead, you take the time to re-evaluate the situation and figure out the wisest course of action.
You are Quantitative: You’re good at working with numbers. Not in a schoolbook way, necessarily — you’re adept at putting this skill to use while solving problems in all manner of real-world situations.
You are Prepared: You tend to think clearly and comprehensively about the future. This makes you an excellent planner; you’re usually well prepared when you begin a new project, and you’re rarely caught by surprise.
You are Skeptical: You treat new information and ideas with caution and skepticism. Spurious arguments rarely fool or confuse you, and your beliefs are based on foundations of hard logic. You possess a fine-tuned BS detector.
You racked up 78.95% of the highest possible rationality score!
Your total rationality score (out of 100%)
Your score
Median user score
You scored better than 95% of past users!
From a later page:
Your quantitative reasoning score: 72.22%
Your future-based reasoning score: 93.75%
Your evidence evaluation score: 75%
Your cognitive awareness score: 81.25%
From a later page:
This quiz also assessed your abilities across 7 specific reasoning skills. You were found to be especially strong at 3 of them, in the average range at 4 of them, and on the weaker side in 0 of them.
Obviously, the test is flawed! Why else would I not score 100%?
We're twins but I got 83. something %. Obviously a very flawed test.

If there is a god, I want to believe that there is a god. If there is not a god, I want to believe that there is no god.