Detectives are tough cookies. They're often caught up entirely in their immediate pursuits, which they attack with vigor and determination. Detectives are highly adept at seeing through nonsense, whether it be verbal, mathematical, or psychological. They are excellent problem-solvers and dogged seekers of the truth. Approximately 5% of the populace are Detectives.
You are Reflective: You dislike jumping to conclusions quickly. You’re adept at reflecting on your own thoughts. When it looks like your intuitions might be leading you astray, you don’t have a problem overriding them — instead, you take the time to re-evaluate the situation and figure out the wisest course of action.
You are Quantitative: You’re good at working with numbers. Not in a schoolbook way, necessarily — you’re adept at putting this skill to use while solving problems in all manner of real-world situations.
You are Carefree: You tend to live in the moment. You don’t waste a lot of emotional energy fretting about the future. Instead, you focus on getting the most out of life right now.
You are Skeptical: You treat new information and ideas with caution and skepticism. Spurious arguments rarely fool or confuse you, and your beliefs are based on foundations of hard logic. You possess a fine-tuned BS detector.
You racked up 65.79% of the highest possible rationality score!
Now I know what I should pick as my next mafia role
Till then, I am gonna go back and try and unlock the rest of the characters, wish me luck!
Detectives are tough cookies. They're often caught up entirely in their immediate pursuits, which they attack with vigor and determination. Detectives are highly adept at seeing through nonsense, whether it be verbal, mathematical, or psychological. They are excellent problem-solvers and dogged seekers of the truth. Approximately 5% of the populace are Detectives.
You are Reflective: You dislike jumping to conclusions quickly. You’re adept at reflecting on your own thoughts. When it looks like your intuitions might be leading you astray, you don’t have a problem overriding them — instead, you take the time to re-evaluate the situation and figure out the wisest course of action.
You are Quantitative: You’re good at working with numbers. Not in a schoolbook way, necessarily — you’re adept at putting this skill to use while solving problems in all manner of real-world situations.
You are Carefree: You tend to live in the moment. You don’t waste a lot of emotional energy fretting about the future. Instead, you focus on getting the most out of life right now.
You are Skeptical: You treat new information and ideas with caution and skepticism. Spurious arguments rarely fool or confuse you, and your beliefs are based on foundations of hard logic. You possess a fine-tuned BS detector.
You racked up 65.79% of the highest possible rationality score!
Now I know what I should pick as my next mafia role
Till then, I am gonna go back and try and unlock the rest of the characters, wish me luck!
Quote:To know yet to think that one does not know is best; Not to know yet to think that one knows will lead to difficulty.
- Lau Tzu
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