RE: What are your political views?
July 11, 2015 at 8:36 pm
(This post was last modified: July 11, 2015 at 8:41 pm by Secular Elf.)
Once I would have called myself moderate to left on the scale. Definitely somewhat a leftie, though I am right-handed. I have never been a registered card-carrying member of any political party. In the past I have voted mostly Democrat, rarely Republican, sometimes Libertarian and Green.
For the most part, these days I would say most politicians are corporate owned dirty ass scumbag traitors that need to be shot, especially if they are fascist theocrats (Dominionists), which basically IS the Republican Party.
My views:
1. Military: we need defense but our government spends way too much on upgrades to tech and wastes much of the budget. The Military-Industrial Complex is out of control and needs to be reined-in.
2. Economics: Invest in the middle class, rebuild our infrastructure, and create more jobs, employees should be paid a living wage, heavily fine corporations that outsource, bring manufacturing back here in the states so that Made in the USA is once again more than 90% on our stores' shelves, control inflation.
3. Education: all public schools should be adequately funded, make sure teachers are well trained, well supported, and well paid. Keep the good teachers and fire the bad ones. And for crying out loud, teach critical thinking skills (how to think as opposed to what to think). Science should especially be supported in school, not mythology. If you want to talk about "Creation" do it in a comparative religion course and keep it there. College tuition should not render you poor.
4. Religion: I support the First Amendment. You have the right to worship any deity you want to, just keep it out of my face and don't even try to establish a theocracy or I will rip your goddamn face off. KEEP THAT WALL STRONG!!
5. Social Issues: I am for universal health care, gay rights, human rights, leave Social Security the hell alone, and people everywhere have got to be free.
6. The U.S. Constitution: is the foundation of all of the above and underscores all of the above. Politicians who ignore and deny it should be forced out of office, possibly should be shot for treason.
I think that about sums it up about my political stance. Now try to fit me in a box.
For the most part, these days I would say most politicians are corporate owned dirty ass scumbag traitors that need to be shot, especially if they are fascist theocrats (Dominionists), which basically IS the Republican Party.
My views:
1. Military: we need defense but our government spends way too much on upgrades to tech and wastes much of the budget. The Military-Industrial Complex is out of control and needs to be reined-in.
2. Economics: Invest in the middle class, rebuild our infrastructure, and create more jobs, employees should be paid a living wage, heavily fine corporations that outsource, bring manufacturing back here in the states so that Made in the USA is once again more than 90% on our stores' shelves, control inflation.
3. Education: all public schools should be adequately funded, make sure teachers are well trained, well supported, and well paid. Keep the good teachers and fire the bad ones. And for crying out loud, teach critical thinking skills (how to think as opposed to what to think). Science should especially be supported in school, not mythology. If you want to talk about "Creation" do it in a comparative religion course and keep it there. College tuition should not render you poor.
4. Religion: I support the First Amendment. You have the right to worship any deity you want to, just keep it out of my face and don't even try to establish a theocracy or I will rip your goddamn face off. KEEP THAT WALL STRONG!!
5. Social Issues: I am for universal health care, gay rights, human rights, leave Social Security the hell alone, and people everywhere have got to be free.
6. The U.S. Constitution: is the foundation of all of the above and underscores all of the above. Politicians who ignore and deny it should be forced out of office, possibly should be shot for treason.
I think that about sums it up about my political stance. Now try to fit me in a box.
"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance."--Thomas Jefferson