I reluctantly voted to make all drugs legal. Marijuana, without a doubt, should be legal. Hard drugs do so much destruction that emotionally I wish that making the illegal could save some families a lot of pain. Now and then such questions have come up on other forums I have visited and there are always people who have family members with severe addictions. Their stories are very hard to read. Making drugs illegal didn't prevent their family members from getting addicted. The money spent on putting people in jail could be better spent on education and rehabilitation so that those families could get help
Perhaps there should also be studies on why some people seem more prone to be addicted to something. Addictions run in my family but I have noticed that people often substitute one addiction for another. Instead of fighting the war on drugs, our country could do more good by studying why some families seem to have so many addicted individuals in them.
Perhaps there should also be studies on why some people seem more prone to be addicted to something. Addictions run in my family but I have noticed that people often substitute one addiction for another. Instead of fighting the war on drugs, our country could do more good by studying why some families seem to have so many addicted individuals in them.