What is wrong with you people? I provided a link for "bathtub gin" and you are fucking asking what the hell bathtub gin is? Are you fucking kidding me? CLICK ON THE GODDAMNED LINK:
In the U.S., some years ago, a bunch of stupid assholes outlawed alcohol. What happened was that people started making it illegally, because people still wanted alcohol even though it was illegal. Well, the quality of the product was variable, with some people going blind from drinking poorly made alcohol, as well as other issues. Of course, this was all a great boon for organized crime, just as illegal drugs are today. When the U.S. made alcohol legal again, people mostly stopped buying poor quality unregulated crap and bought decently made alcohol (and by that, I mean fucking low standards, as people fucking drink Budweiser! but at least it does not cause blindness).
So, we can expect the same to happen with any other drug, unless ridiculously high taxes are put on whatever the hell it is.
In the U.S., some years ago, a bunch of stupid assholes outlawed alcohol. What happened was that people started making it illegally, because people still wanted alcohol even though it was illegal. Well, the quality of the product was variable, with some people going blind from drinking poorly made alcohol, as well as other issues. Of course, this was all a great boon for organized crime, just as illegal drugs are today. When the U.S. made alcohol legal again, people mostly stopped buying poor quality unregulated crap and bought decently made alcohol (and by that, I mean fucking low standards, as people fucking drink Budweiser! but at least it does not cause blindness).
So, we can expect the same to happen with any other drug, unless ridiculously high taxes are put on whatever the hell it is.
"A wise man ... proportions his belief to the evidence."
— David Hume, An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding, Section X, Part I.