RE: What's the Muslim's problem?
July 18, 2015 at 10:58 pm
(This post was last modified: July 18, 2015 at 10:59 pm by Mystic.)
Honestly, the best explanation is that of the Quran. Whenever God appoints Guides or reveals a revelation from him, the devils of humans and jinn rally against them and the revelation, and lead people astray regarding them and it, and they end up getting society to corrupt revelation, till it's forgotten. This is not unavoidable, but has been the norm. The only thing is with Islam, the words of Quran has been promised to be protected, but the way of opposition continues. Yes it was possible and meant to be followed, but it's warnings of division, not to turn on our backs, emphasis to love the family of Mohammad which was the wage of the message for our sake and for us to take a path to God, failed.
If you just remember that we have souls, you will see Muslims are afflicted with a disease of opposing the family of Mohammad and the light of the true Quran, that they are blind to many of the Quranic clear signs as well as the Sunnah, and go against reason and the light of morality, and this inspiration is really found in them in an extreme way, that manifests something dark working on their hearts.
The affliction is real - the opposition to the family of Mohammad despite clear evidence regarding them, is of the clear matters. The twisting of Quran and ignoring it's clear bright signs, is obvious.
There is something at work here. Something sinister on the hearts. And of the Quranic miracles, is that two ending Surahs remind of the affliction in the unseen, the blowing on the knots that lock hearts from perception, sight, and reflection. The whispering in the hearts from the devils.
Through God's Name, everything becomes easy. Faith in him becomes easy, his religion manifestation is easy, his book majestic effect on the heart becomes easy, it's revelation being understood becomes easy, it's reminder and admonishment taking roots of the souls becomes easy.
God's Name/face however has a long explanation, and elaboration, and is tested in the outward and in the unseen, and is tested through our experience in life.
Suffice to say, his name/face is found everywhere, in everything, and love of God and for the sake of his face, is the noble intention of the righteous when they love the poor, when they love the needy, when they love humans, for they see God and his face in everything.
Those who ignore the elaboration of God's face and name, and don't see God in God's chosen ones, and don't see God's chosen one's light spread in humanity, to the extent they belittle human life, kill innocents, or believe in the false oppressive authority (the Taghut) are far away and removed from the religion of God.
If you just remember that we have souls, you will see Muslims are afflicted with a disease of opposing the family of Mohammad and the light of the true Quran, that they are blind to many of the Quranic clear signs as well as the Sunnah, and go against reason and the light of morality, and this inspiration is really found in them in an extreme way, that manifests something dark working on their hearts.
The affliction is real - the opposition to the family of Mohammad despite clear evidence regarding them, is of the clear matters. The twisting of Quran and ignoring it's clear bright signs, is obvious.
There is something at work here. Something sinister on the hearts. And of the Quranic miracles, is that two ending Surahs remind of the affliction in the unseen, the blowing on the knots that lock hearts from perception, sight, and reflection. The whispering in the hearts from the devils.
Through God's Name, everything becomes easy. Faith in him becomes easy, his religion manifestation is easy, his book majestic effect on the heart becomes easy, it's revelation being understood becomes easy, it's reminder and admonishment taking roots of the souls becomes easy.
God's Name/face however has a long explanation, and elaboration, and is tested in the outward and in the unseen, and is tested through our experience in life.
Suffice to say, his name/face is found everywhere, in everything, and love of God and for the sake of his face, is the noble intention of the righteous when they love the poor, when they love the needy, when they love humans, for they see God and his face in everything.
Those who ignore the elaboration of God's face and name, and don't see God in God's chosen ones, and don't see God's chosen one's light spread in humanity, to the extent they belittle human life, kill innocents, or believe in the false oppressive authority (the Taghut) are far away and removed from the religion of God.