Greetings Earthlings,
I thought I'd join this forum to see what "atheists" chat about. I don't actually consider myself to be an "atheist", but according to this forum I may very well qualify as a "Gnostic Atheist", or a "Strong Atheist" contrary to an "Agnostic Atheist", or "Weak Atheist".
These terms have always been controversial for me, and I'm not sure if agree with how they are used in this forum according to the thread "Important Information for Theists". I read that page and decided that "Gnostic Atheist" best describes me. Ironically, that leaves room open for spiritual beliefs evidently.
I definitely have spiritual "beliefs" for sure, but I don't want to go into that here. Having said that I've been a scientist all my life and I'm well-versed in all the sciences, specifically in physics. I have no doubt that the world is 4.5 billion years old and life evolved from simple molecules.
I was born and raised into Christianity. The religion wasn't really half-bad as taught by my local church and family. The problems I really had with the religion was with hard-core fundamentalists who used Jesus as a hate-tool. They finally turned me against the religion altogether. Although I must confess that I had serious problems with the religion in any case. A God who condemns a serpent to crawl on his belly and eat dirt for the rest of his days? That's not a nice thing to do to anyone. I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy. Why would I think that an all-merciful benevolent God would be so ignorant to so such a nasty thing?
And then of course the very idea of Jesus being the "sacrificial lamb" to "pay" for the sins of mankind is just as absurd, if not even more so.
After much study into the Bible and related cultures I finally came to the intellectual conclusion that there probably was a man who called the pharisees hypocrites, renounced the ignorant teachings of the torah, and was crucified for his views. And that gave rise to the rumors of a man named "Jesus". I personally believe that the man who gave rise to those rumors was most likely a Jewish pantheist who was also well-versed in Mahayana Buddhism. So, in that sense, I "believe" in Jesus. Not as a God, but as a human just like the rest of us.
As far as I'm concerned Christianity has become the anti-thesis of Jesus.
Of course, I deny all of the Abrahamic Religions. I don't believe that any all-wise God could be as ignorant and stupid as the Abrahamic religions require, and I can't imagine any all-wise, all-powerful God purposefully devising a plan to have his son butchered on a pole to pay for the sins of man.
I make no apologies to anyone who might find "offense" in my language above. The bottom line for me is that the Abrahamic religions don't have any more credibility than Greek Mythology. They are extremely ignorant, male-chauvinistic, religiously-bigoted, and just downright stupid.
I just got kicked off another religious site for making that observation.
I still believe in a spiritual essence of reality though. More for scientific reasons than anything else. I wasn't aware that an atheist could believe in a spiritual essence of reality. But evidently we can. And ironically that's even labeled a "Strong Atheist". How weird is that?
So I guess as long as that's true, then I qualify as an "Strong Atheist".
So hello to all my fellow atheists out there.
I thought I'd join this forum to see what "atheists" chat about. I don't actually consider myself to be an "atheist", but according to this forum I may very well qualify as a "Gnostic Atheist", or a "Strong Atheist" contrary to an "Agnostic Atheist", or "Weak Atheist".
These terms have always been controversial for me, and I'm not sure if agree with how they are used in this forum according to the thread "Important Information for Theists". I read that page and decided that "Gnostic Atheist" best describes me. Ironically, that leaves room open for spiritual beliefs evidently.
I definitely have spiritual "beliefs" for sure, but I don't want to go into that here. Having said that I've been a scientist all my life and I'm well-versed in all the sciences, specifically in physics. I have no doubt that the world is 4.5 billion years old and life evolved from simple molecules.
I was born and raised into Christianity. The religion wasn't really half-bad as taught by my local church and family. The problems I really had with the religion was with hard-core fundamentalists who used Jesus as a hate-tool. They finally turned me against the religion altogether. Although I must confess that I had serious problems with the religion in any case. A God who condemns a serpent to crawl on his belly and eat dirt for the rest of his days? That's not a nice thing to do to anyone. I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy. Why would I think that an all-merciful benevolent God would be so ignorant to so such a nasty thing?
And then of course the very idea of Jesus being the "sacrificial lamb" to "pay" for the sins of mankind is just as absurd, if not even more so.
After much study into the Bible and related cultures I finally came to the intellectual conclusion that there probably was a man who called the pharisees hypocrites, renounced the ignorant teachings of the torah, and was crucified for his views. And that gave rise to the rumors of a man named "Jesus". I personally believe that the man who gave rise to those rumors was most likely a Jewish pantheist who was also well-versed in Mahayana Buddhism. So, in that sense, I "believe" in Jesus. Not as a God, but as a human just like the rest of us.
As far as I'm concerned Christianity has become the anti-thesis of Jesus.
Of course, I deny all of the Abrahamic Religions. I don't believe that any all-wise God could be as ignorant and stupid as the Abrahamic religions require, and I can't imagine any all-wise, all-powerful God purposefully devising a plan to have his son butchered on a pole to pay for the sins of man.
I make no apologies to anyone who might find "offense" in my language above. The bottom line for me is that the Abrahamic religions don't have any more credibility than Greek Mythology. They are extremely ignorant, male-chauvinistic, religiously-bigoted, and just downright stupid.
I just got kicked off another religious site for making that observation.
I still believe in a spiritual essence of reality though. More for scientific reasons than anything else. I wasn't aware that an atheist could believe in a spiritual essence of reality. But evidently we can. And ironically that's even labeled a "Strong Atheist". How weird is that?
So I guess as long as that's true, then I qualify as an "Strong Atheist".
So hello to all my fellow atheists out there.