Hi everyone. I'm new to this forum and I would like to become a member here. I came across this forum when I was searching something about burkhas, you know, those beautiful black dresses that you see some Muslim women when they are outdoors to do shopping or whatever. Then I started lurking in the forum for a few days reading random threads and all that stuff... and now I finally decided to join. The reason I joined is because I want you guys to know what Islam really is, especially in regards to the obligations of Muslim women as told in the Quran and why they are SO liberating AND beneficial for us. And I am sure that I'll be able to convince all of you guys in this forum that Islam does not cause any oppression for women, but it does the OPPOSITE of oppression. And let me just tell you this quickly. For me, being a Muslim women has given me a greater peace of mind and also greater sense of freedom in my life... and the niqab (which is basically a longer hijab which covers your entire body)... is one of the things that literally changed my whole life and it's almost like a miracle.. seriously. The second that I put on the niqab, it physically and mentally empowers me. I feel like i can almost jump over cars and run over the walls like a real ninja. When I see huge muscular guys in front of me, or if they're giving me some kind of a strange look, I don't feel any fear or anxiety at all because I just KNOW that my niqab will protect me... It's a psychological thing, and btw I'm majoring in psychology, but it's actually impossible to get raped when you're wearing the niqab. I have even carried out many experiments on this... and all of them proved to me that it actually DOES work. The niqab acts like a sheild from evil temptations and you won't believe it until you try it out for yourself... and to me this is actually the BEST evidence that Islam is the true religion... because it WORKS.
Okay but first a little about my conversion story and who i am. I'm sorry that I was rushing but it's just that I'm a little too excited about posting in this forum lol.... SO, anyway, my name is Shaheema and I live in India (ahhh yes, a beautiful country) and I used to be a Hindu. In other words, i used to believe that murtis (or statues) had mystical powers and if I prayed to them then they would answer my prayers... you know, gods such as brahma, vishnu, shiva, mitra, pusha, rama, kurma, varaha, and literally millions of other gods. I was a hindu for the first 20 years of my life but then... one day, I went to a lecture in my college in which the speaker was a Muslim woman... and she talked for about 2 hours on what being a Muslim woman feels like to her at a spiritual and an emotional level. Then, she went through many verses of the Quran, and then I slowly starting to get more and more interested in Islam. So, I went home and started researching a lot of stuff about Islam and the history behind it. And then, a few weeks later... wallah!!! I became a MUSLIM...and so there it was... that's when my whole life change for the better. Well at first, however, I have to admit that I felt a little weird being a Muslim. I didn't want to cover my hair and pray 5 times a day and do all that stuff... it was difficult for me. Then, slowly, i was FORCING myself to do those things even though I felt kinda lazy and stubborn. First, I started wearing the hijab. I did this by constantly reminding myself that I'm doing this only and ONLY for God.. no one else. Unfortunately, a lot of the Hindu students in my college used to make fun of me or insult me for converting to Islam. But no, I'm not gonna let their stupid and worthless insults affect me one bit because deep down inside... I'm a VERY strong girl. I don't care what they say or think about me. So, I kept on working at being a good Muslim as much as possible.
Soon enough, I went from being a hijabi to a niqabi... as time went on, I began to feel more and more powerful after wearing the niqab everyday. It's a little hard to explain, but I just felt more energy than I ever did before whenever I put on that dress... and also, I felt closer to God and I felt more peaceful, sound, and healthy... my heart started to feel as calm as the moon and i felt pure and clean... and I felt like there was some kind of a beautiful light glowing inside me. And again, you won't understand how it feels unless YOU try it out for YOURSELF, which is by first converting to Islam. If I can do it, then you guys should also be able to do it also. I'm a 23-year old Muslim woman who is a FULL niqabi... and inspite of strong protests from my family, inspite of the heat and humidity in the summertime that makes me sweat and makes my hair fall off... I wears it indoors, outdoors, at weddings (where they really push me to take it off) and basically EVERYWHERE, and plus a lot of people back in our countries unfortunately don't even know the concept of being a "niqabi," so that's why I go through the trouble of explaining to everyone clearly the concept of hijab, niqab, mahrams, etc... and I gets a lot of weird looks but I STILL talk to them and reply to them.
Now, here's a motivation for you guys... my best friend is an atheist, and yet, she's one of the most righteous, kind hearted people that I know. She RESPECTS all religions including ISLAM. And she WILLINGLY asks me why women cover themselves, why we fast, why we pray and how we fast. She's one of the few people I have met who have abandoned religion but can truly hold such respect, kindness and sincerity toward others AND their practices... she is also very honest. See, unlike most of you, this girl isn't arrogant or close-minded and though she is an atheist, she's still a human being who exhibits all these qualities a human being SHOULD have. Most of you think that you're more a liberated person than myself and have the upper hand because you think that you're free from the "man-made systems" since you think that God and religion were inventions of men... but realistically, you guys don't realize that you are not "free" from any thoughts, decisions, and ideals because you're a victim of ALL man-made systems. You STILL follow the government, corrupt business, and politics. You STILL get brainwashed by advertisements that makes you want to buy things that you don't actually need. But ME, I don't have to buy any diamonds, rings, necklaces, perfumes and none of that crap that you non-Muslim women put on your faces... because I COVER my face. And by doing that I'm saving MONEY... which is one of the things that is so GOOD about my life. Covering myself gives me a sense of power and freedom from the man-made systems that YOU guys follow. And frankly, I think that you guys SUCK as a human being. All you atheists and especially non-Muslim women are constantly draining yourselves down the pipe deeper and deeper by absorbing all of that media BULLSHIT into your tiny and feeble brains. BUT, if you became a Muslim women like myself, then your life would become a LOT easier.
Alright guys, I think i've said enough for now... but please, understand that I'm not trying to offend or attack ANYONE. I'm just trying to make your life better by showing you the way to living a truthful existence and how to bring yourself closer to God. If you convert to Islam, and if you wear the niqab... then all of you will start gaining an amazing level of intellectual sharpness and physical energy that you NEVER thought was possible. I have tried it and it works, and that's what is so GREAT about being a Muslim woman.
PS: Dear mods, if i broke any rules, then please tell me so as soon as possible. Then I will try to change myself accordingly. Please don't give me a waring or ban me. I will try to be good member in this forum insha'Allah. I clicked on the rules thread but the link is not working for some reason... so, if I broke the rules then again please please please forgive me.
PPS: Here have a chocolate chip cookie...
PPPS: Thank you to EVERYONE who took the time to read my post and to comment in this thread.
Okay but first a little about my conversion story and who i am. I'm sorry that I was rushing but it's just that I'm a little too excited about posting in this forum lol.... SO, anyway, my name is Shaheema and I live in India (ahhh yes, a beautiful country) and I used to be a Hindu. In other words, i used to believe that murtis (or statues) had mystical powers and if I prayed to them then they would answer my prayers... you know, gods such as brahma, vishnu, shiva, mitra, pusha, rama, kurma, varaha, and literally millions of other gods. I was a hindu for the first 20 years of my life but then... one day, I went to a lecture in my college in which the speaker was a Muslim woman... and she talked for about 2 hours on what being a Muslim woman feels like to her at a spiritual and an emotional level. Then, she went through many verses of the Quran, and then I slowly starting to get more and more interested in Islam. So, I went home and started researching a lot of stuff about Islam and the history behind it. And then, a few weeks later... wallah!!! I became a MUSLIM...and so there it was... that's when my whole life change for the better. Well at first, however, I have to admit that I felt a little weird being a Muslim. I didn't want to cover my hair and pray 5 times a day and do all that stuff... it was difficult for me. Then, slowly, i was FORCING myself to do those things even though I felt kinda lazy and stubborn. First, I started wearing the hijab. I did this by constantly reminding myself that I'm doing this only and ONLY for God.. no one else. Unfortunately, a lot of the Hindu students in my college used to make fun of me or insult me for converting to Islam. But no, I'm not gonna let their stupid and worthless insults affect me one bit because deep down inside... I'm a VERY strong girl. I don't care what they say or think about me. So, I kept on working at being a good Muslim as much as possible.
Soon enough, I went from being a hijabi to a niqabi... as time went on, I began to feel more and more powerful after wearing the niqab everyday. It's a little hard to explain, but I just felt more energy than I ever did before whenever I put on that dress... and also, I felt closer to God and I felt more peaceful, sound, and healthy... my heart started to feel as calm as the moon and i felt pure and clean... and I felt like there was some kind of a beautiful light glowing inside me. And again, you won't understand how it feels unless YOU try it out for YOURSELF, which is by first converting to Islam. If I can do it, then you guys should also be able to do it also. I'm a 23-year old Muslim woman who is a FULL niqabi... and inspite of strong protests from my family, inspite of the heat and humidity in the summertime that makes me sweat and makes my hair fall off... I wears it indoors, outdoors, at weddings (where they really push me to take it off) and basically EVERYWHERE, and plus a lot of people back in our countries unfortunately don't even know the concept of being a "niqabi," so that's why I go through the trouble of explaining to everyone clearly the concept of hijab, niqab, mahrams, etc... and I gets a lot of weird looks but I STILL talk to them and reply to them.
Now, here's a motivation for you guys... my best friend is an atheist, and yet, she's one of the most righteous, kind hearted people that I know. She RESPECTS all religions including ISLAM. And she WILLINGLY asks me why women cover themselves, why we fast, why we pray and how we fast. She's one of the few people I have met who have abandoned religion but can truly hold such respect, kindness and sincerity toward others AND their practices... she is also very honest. See, unlike most of you, this girl isn't arrogant or close-minded and though she is an atheist, she's still a human being who exhibits all these qualities a human being SHOULD have. Most of you think that you're more a liberated person than myself and have the upper hand because you think that you're free from the "man-made systems" since you think that God and religion were inventions of men... but realistically, you guys don't realize that you are not "free" from any thoughts, decisions, and ideals because you're a victim of ALL man-made systems. You STILL follow the government, corrupt business, and politics. You STILL get brainwashed by advertisements that makes you want to buy things that you don't actually need. But ME, I don't have to buy any diamonds, rings, necklaces, perfumes and none of that crap that you non-Muslim women put on your faces... because I COVER my face. And by doing that I'm saving MONEY... which is one of the things that is so GOOD about my life. Covering myself gives me a sense of power and freedom from the man-made systems that YOU guys follow. And frankly, I think that you guys SUCK as a human being. All you atheists and especially non-Muslim women are constantly draining yourselves down the pipe deeper and deeper by absorbing all of that media BULLSHIT into your tiny and feeble brains. BUT, if you became a Muslim women like myself, then your life would become a LOT easier.
Alright guys, I think i've said enough for now... but please, understand that I'm not trying to offend or attack ANYONE. I'm just trying to make your life better by showing you the way to living a truthful existence and how to bring yourself closer to God. If you convert to Islam, and if you wear the niqab... then all of you will start gaining an amazing level of intellectual sharpness and physical energy that you NEVER thought was possible. I have tried it and it works, and that's what is so GREAT about being a Muslim woman.
PS: Dear mods, if i broke any rules, then please tell me so as soon as possible. Then I will try to change myself accordingly. Please don't give me a waring or ban me. I will try to be good member in this forum insha'Allah. I clicked on the rules thread but the link is not working for some reason... so, if I broke the rules then again please please please forgive me.
PPS: Here have a chocolate chip cookie...

PPPS: Thank you to EVERYONE who took the time to read my post and to comment in this thread.