Hello all.
So Cthulu Dreaming recently joined the TTA forums and that led me to this site. I look forward to being a positive contributor and getting to know everyone better.
A little about me:
I am a happily married 30 year old male with a 21mo son and a daughter due any day now. I am a fairly recent (less than two years) non-believer and my wife is still a believer albeit not devout.
While I am pretty "out-of-the-closet", I tend to avoid proclaiming to friends that I'm an un-believer. On the Internet however, I'm all game. I am not a militant Atheist. It is my opinion that we can never rid ourselves of religion. With that in mind, I rather focus on debating those that believe the bible literally. The reason behind this is because I find it deeply disturbing when I meet people who don't believe in scientific theories like Evolution. I cringe every time someone says "it's just a theory". I firmly believe that proper scientific education is the only way we can coexist peacefully.
I have a passion for snowboarding and Astronomy. Don't ask me about current events in Astronomy like the next crazy meteor shower though. I'm admittedly awful at keeping track of those types of events. I'm just a layman that enjoys looking up and listening to lectures by astrophysicists like Neil DeGrasse Tyson
Alright, well that was a more than a little about me. That's another thing you'll notice. I crave attention and I'm not ashamed to admit it. LOVE ME DAMNIT! You have to... I'm Korean... and Koreans are cute... just look at our babies.
So Cthulu Dreaming recently joined the TTA forums and that led me to this site. I look forward to being a positive contributor and getting to know everyone better.
A little about me:
I am a happily married 30 year old male with a 21mo son and a daughter due any day now. I am a fairly recent (less than two years) non-believer and my wife is still a believer albeit not devout.
While I am pretty "out-of-the-closet", I tend to avoid proclaiming to friends that I'm an un-believer. On the Internet however, I'm all game. I am not a militant Atheist. It is my opinion that we can never rid ourselves of religion. With that in mind, I rather focus on debating those that believe the bible literally. The reason behind this is because I find it deeply disturbing when I meet people who don't believe in scientific theories like Evolution. I cringe every time someone says "it's just a theory". I firmly believe that proper scientific education is the only way we can coexist peacefully.
I have a passion for snowboarding and Astronomy. Don't ask me about current events in Astronomy like the next crazy meteor shower though. I'm admittedly awful at keeping track of those types of events. I'm just a layman that enjoys looking up and listening to lectures by astrophysicists like Neil DeGrasse Tyson

Alright, well that was a more than a little about me. That's another thing you'll notice. I crave attention and I'm not ashamed to admit it. LOVE ME DAMNIT! You have to... I'm Korean... and Koreans are cute... just look at our babies.
"We are all connected; To each other, biologically. To the earth, chemically. To the rest of the universe atomically.”
-Neil deGrasse Tyson
-Neil deGrasse Tyson