I am a long time Android fan, but I made the switch to iOS a few months ago when I bought an iPhone 4S. Does anyone have a Galaxy Nexus that can shed some light on it's performance? I love both iOS and Android, but Android always spoke more to me because it's open source and more functional as a computer replacement. Being able to download files on the fly and just popping the SD card into a computer is incredibly handy, especially working in an environment where a lot of file sharing sites are restricted. Not to mention the 4G aspect, even though iPhone 5 will obviously be 4G. Another thing I've noticed is my reception is terrible with the 4S in comparison to Androids I have owned in the past. The same stores I had full reception in in the past, now yield no signal with the iPhone. On the other hand, iOS has more apps and third party support and the camera is better. Another good thing about Apple products is they have amazing resell value. I could probably easily sell my 4S and buy a used Galaxy Nexus and still pocket $20.
Back to the main question, does anyone have a Galaxy Nexus and if so, how does it perform on a stock rom? If it performs better on a custom rom you use, let me know that too. Thanks.
Back to the main question, does anyone have a Galaxy Nexus and if so, how does it perform on a stock rom? If it performs better on a custom rom you use, let me know that too. Thanks.