Disclaimer: People reading this who are not interested in the rambling and retarded thoughts that go on inside Napoleon's head, should probably leave now.
So, now that's out of the way...
I was up last night thinking about existence, why we are here, what is the meaning of life and all that bollocks.
I had a thought which really annoyed me. It was kinda blowing my mind at the same time though, trying to comprehend what I was thinking about. No, it's not that mind blowing to some people I'm sure, I haven't discovered the meaning of life or anything. But what I was thinking about was existence. More to the point, is it infinite? I want to make the distinction here, between existence and the universe we are in. For me existence would constitute what is in and beyond our own universe, (provided there is something beyond it, not 100% sure on that one yet). I'm talking about everything. If you believe in god, I'm talking about that, if you believe in multiple universes, I'm most certainly talking about them too. If you believe the universe is expanding, I'm talking about the seeming nothingness we are expanding into.
Now the thought about infinity, comes from the fact that we have discovered thousands of sub-atomic particles. I'm sitting here thinking, "well just how many more are we going to find?". Will this go on forever? Are we going to keep discovering them? How much smaller can matter get? Can existence get?
On the other end of the scale, the universe seems to be expanding into nothingness. But surely it can't be nothing we are expanding into right? Some physicists think there are multiple universes, that we are like bubbles floating through the void, and when the bubbles interact with each other, new universes are made. I guess this is both science fiction and scientific theory.
My point is, on both ends of the 'scale' spectrum, from sub atomic particles, to multiverses, we don't seem to be any closer to finding a definitive 'end point'.
So my question really is, will we ever find an end point? In fact not so much that, but is there one at all, regardless of whether we will ever find it or not.
I just have a real massive problem with this idea/thought/whatever the fuck it is. It's bugging me like crazy. If we find an end point, and we can say, 'existence consists of this (from the smallest thing in existence), to this (the largest thing in existence)', then it's like, well why the hell are there boundaries? What made the boundaries? Does there need to be a reason for the boundaries? I would like to think so, an existence without reason is just so unreasonable!
But what if there isn't an end point? Existence just goes on for infinity say. Outside of the universe is a multiverse, outside of that is something else, outside of that there is something outside of that and on and on and on.
Then it gives you a real fucking headache!
But on top of these two conundrums, we have this whole god/creator pollava.
Say you believe that a god created the boundaries for instance. He sets the rules etc. Well I still have the same damn problem. If you can come up with a reason as to why god is exempt from the "it must of had a creator" rule, then why can't I just use that same exemption for the universe on its own? How can a god be infinite, yet everything else in existence is not? Is god a part of existence or isn't he? If he's not a part of existence then he doesn't exist. Period.
To simplify (as much as I can simplify this garbage), seems there's only two options for existence. It's either infinite (goes on forever/has infinite scale), or it's not (it has a finite scale/doesn't go on forever).
Both scenarios cause me a massive amount of mind fuck.
I'd very much like to hear some other people's views on this shit. I mean, are there things I'm thinking about where I'm missing something? Is there a simpler way of looking at existence?
I don't know.
In essence it really is just the rehashed kind of philosobabble question I spend all my time hating. But hey, this one interests me.
Anyway. Thanks for reading if you did. Can't say I blame ya if you didn't
Feel free to let me know what your thoughts are in the poll at the very least.
So, now that's out of the way...
I was up last night thinking about existence, why we are here, what is the meaning of life and all that bollocks.
I had a thought which really annoyed me. It was kinda blowing my mind at the same time though, trying to comprehend what I was thinking about. No, it's not that mind blowing to some people I'm sure, I haven't discovered the meaning of life or anything. But what I was thinking about was existence. More to the point, is it infinite? I want to make the distinction here, between existence and the universe we are in. For me existence would constitute what is in and beyond our own universe, (provided there is something beyond it, not 100% sure on that one yet). I'm talking about everything. If you believe in god, I'm talking about that, if you believe in multiple universes, I'm most certainly talking about them too. If you believe the universe is expanding, I'm talking about the seeming nothingness we are expanding into.
Now the thought about infinity, comes from the fact that we have discovered thousands of sub-atomic particles. I'm sitting here thinking, "well just how many more are we going to find?". Will this go on forever? Are we going to keep discovering them? How much smaller can matter get? Can existence get?
On the other end of the scale, the universe seems to be expanding into nothingness. But surely it can't be nothing we are expanding into right? Some physicists think there are multiple universes, that we are like bubbles floating through the void, and when the bubbles interact with each other, new universes are made. I guess this is both science fiction and scientific theory.
My point is, on both ends of the 'scale' spectrum, from sub atomic particles, to multiverses, we don't seem to be any closer to finding a definitive 'end point'.
So my question really is, will we ever find an end point? In fact not so much that, but is there one at all, regardless of whether we will ever find it or not.
I just have a real massive problem with this idea/thought/whatever the fuck it is. It's bugging me like crazy. If we find an end point, and we can say, 'existence consists of this (from the smallest thing in existence), to this (the largest thing in existence)', then it's like, well why the hell are there boundaries? What made the boundaries? Does there need to be a reason for the boundaries? I would like to think so, an existence without reason is just so unreasonable!
But what if there isn't an end point? Existence just goes on for infinity say. Outside of the universe is a multiverse, outside of that is something else, outside of that there is something outside of that and on and on and on.
Then it gives you a real fucking headache!
But on top of these two conundrums, we have this whole god/creator pollava.
Say you believe that a god created the boundaries for instance. He sets the rules etc. Well I still have the same damn problem. If you can come up with a reason as to why god is exempt from the "it must of had a creator" rule, then why can't I just use that same exemption for the universe on its own? How can a god be infinite, yet everything else in existence is not? Is god a part of existence or isn't he? If he's not a part of existence then he doesn't exist. Period.
To simplify (as much as I can simplify this garbage), seems there's only two options for existence. It's either infinite (goes on forever/has infinite scale), or it's not (it has a finite scale/doesn't go on forever).
Both scenarios cause me a massive amount of mind fuck.
I'd very much like to hear some other people's views on this shit. I mean, are there things I'm thinking about where I'm missing something? Is there a simpler way of looking at existence?
I don't know.
In essence it really is just the rehashed kind of philosobabble question I spend all my time hating. But hey, this one interests me.
Anyway. Thanks for reading if you did. Can't say I blame ya if you didn't

Feel free to let me know what your thoughts are in the poll at the very least.