(October 26, 2012 at 2:09 pm)MysticKnight Wrote: Earned value/praise is greater then unearned value/praise.
That's the basic premise that lead me to disbelieve in "God". See the thread in Philosophy section for details.
However I'm inclined to existence in a soul and a higher power, but have to admit I don't know and it's not a belief, just an inclination.
It just seems that to be the same person I am as a baby till now, I have to have a soul or else it's more like tree from a seed, the seed is not the tree, but is the foundation of the tree. And it seems like we strongly believe we are the same person because we are a soul.
But it's not a strong argument.
Hmm....so now I'm agnostic with an inclination to believe in a higher power + soul.
I wouldn't say I truly believe in soul + higher power, which makes one of you guys (I'm allergic to the word) in a sense, just that I'm inclined to favouring the idea. Call it a hunch.
Mystic, you can lead a very happy life without belief in anything super natural. Yes, you will still have ups and downs but you wont have to subject yourself to defend old mythology and superstition. It does not mean if you leave your religion, that you can be lawless or harm others, it will just mean you gave up on a bad claim.
You don't have a "hunch" that Visnhu exists.
You don't have a "hunch" Buddha is the only path to wisdom.
You don't have a "hunch" Yahweh is the one true God.
It is not a "hunch" at all, it is a projection of your own wishful thinking.
I used to believe in God myself, not the one you claim, but the same God of Abraham. I reject that God as I do all in human history worldwide. I still find beauty in nature. I still find good in my fellow humans too. I simply don't assign any of life or the universe to a giant plaything for a cosmic sky wizard.
Trust us, you'll feel a lot better once you realize you don't have to defend old crap. You will thank us.
(November 12, 2017 at 8:45 pm)MysticKnight Wrote: The darkest moment in my life.
Whomever sold you the vile idea that doubt was evil, mentally harmed you. If it were not for doubt and questioning humans wouldn't have landed on the moon. Most humans get sold the religion of their parents long before they can critically think. You should not put yourself down because you are now starting to question. QUESTIONING and doubt are good things, not bad things.