Couple of arguements
February 27, 2013 at 9:47 pm
(This post was last modified: February 27, 2013 at 9:47 pm by Severan.)
Arguements AGAINST God
Here are a few arguements against God. Nothing much, but they are okay arguements 
1. A loving god would not send sinners and unbelievers to hell.
2. A god who has enough power, and wants people to believe, would certainly appear in a solid form in front of our eyes if asked to prove it's existence.
3. The Bible is very inconsistent. Here's one example. "When moses came down from the mountain, carrying the ten commandments, he saw his people worshipping the Golden Calf. God said unto him to take up his sword and kill the 3,000 unbelievers" wait wait wait. Do you see an inconsistency? One minute we have two big rocks supposedly carved by god saying "Thou shalt not kill" and then all of a sudden, there are 3000 people lying dead on the ground. At the hands of God. God and Moses (with a few others) just disobeyed the rule recently created.
4. Prayer is an [b]Illusion. Here's how: Christians say that when you pray, the answer from God is yes, or no. Pretty simple right? I just pray to God for a raise, and he will either say yes or no. Wrong. I can pray to God for that raise, and I will probably get it in a few months, therefore, God exists. If that doesn't happen, then God decided that it wasn't for the best. I can do the same thing with a dollar bill. I will pray to the dollar bill. After a week, I get a raise, therefore, the dollar bill created the universe. I pray to the Greek God, Zeus. I get a raise, maybe 4 months later, therefore, Zeus exists. If they both don't happen, then I say, the dollar bill, or Zeus, thought it wasn't for the best. Do we worship Zeus or dollar bills? No.
5. Most christians say that all complex things need a creator. Who created the (complex) creator? That would be infinite regress.
6. Can God create someone more powerful than himself?
7. God is a lunatic. Here's how: Most christians believe that God answers daily prayers, such as getting rid of a stain on an expensive shirt. If so, than this is what's going through God's mind "Oh look at those small children starving in Ethiopia, Exellent! Look at that woman praying to me right now while she is being raped and murdered, Great! Look at that church, where people are worshipping me, and a terrorist is planning to suicide bomb the place, Can't wait! Aww, look at poor Sally, praying to me so I can get rid of her pimple for tomorrow's date with Chad. Let me help her out." See where I'm going? Why would God answer silly prayers while he isn't helping those who need him most. What kind of "loving" God would do that. He certainly has the power to heal the whole world in one instant, so why not? Because there is no God.
These are some of the things that converted me. It worked for me, but did it further convince you?
Sorry about the size format stuff that got messed up. I'm new to this kind of software