I don't feel bad about it, honestly. I feel pretty good!
Actually, there's a whole list of things I've got gratitude for -
After 5 years of being single and dealing with bullshittery and asinine behavior of the most absurd kind, I have now been for 6 months with the kind of man I am glad to wake up next to every morning and is the only person I want to see every night, who makes me want to be a better person, who encourages my interests and points out talents I never knew I had. He also is a photographer, with a Mad Men-esque eye for fashion, and going through my spring closet was so much more fun this year when I got to model the clothes for him and discuss shoes and accessories with someone genuinely interested. It's hard to pick a favorite, but I think I like best when we fall asleep together on the couch watching something like that new "Vikings" show on History Channel and say nerdy things like "Man, this is Skyrim porn," or when he starts explaining why the physics on Battlestar Galactica were correct. I love making his face scrunch up when I use a word he doesn't believe exists and he immediately googles it.
We have the cutest goddamn dog EVER. He makes grown ass blue-collar men turn into mushy piles of goo-goo-noise-making idiocy.
2 months ago we moved into a fantastic condo in a beautiful city that we both love and want to stay in for the rest of our lives.
Old Navy apparently started selling jeans that fit me. And by that I mean they have a higher waisted option - the kind that understands when you have a smaller waist and fuller hips, because no matter how much I weigh I always have a booty, and you can't wear low-waisted jeans when you got one...not without showing crack. I bought two pairs, including some skinny jeans that I rolled up all retro-like with heels.
Spring has returned to North Carolina, and I'm convinced there isn't a more beautiful spot in America than this state when it falls in love with itself and everything blooms in a riot of color and perfume.
To that effect, I'm going to the mountains this weekend with a friend I haven't gotten to hang out with in a long while to document the way the spring creeps into the Blue Ridge.
My mother visited this weekend and treated me to an amazing Italian restaurant where I had linguine cooked with clams and a tomato garlic sauce inside a parchment bag. Holy. Fucking. Fuck. Don't get me started on their tiramisu.
Music has returned with the warm weather - at night and on the weekends, you can see performers doing their thing by the fountains on the street corners - skinny white emo boys with their guitars, and brass jazz bands, and college marching pieces and old dudes sitting out with karaoke machines and not doing a bad job at all.
Life outside of my job is pretty fucking fantastic.
Oh, and I made level 36 in Skyrim.

Movin' on up!