Many do not know the origin of the hypothetical yet intriguing "Homo Futurus", the prediction was first theorized by Harry Lionel Shapiro. Although controversial among anthropologists it's an interesting article.
"H. L. Shapiro Wrote:To sum up our prophecies on the future man we may impressionistically describe him as taller than we, with a more capacious and rounder head, fronted by a more vertical and smoother brow. His face will be smaller and more recessive in profile. The teeth in his jaws will be reduced in number and will also be smaller in size. In particular the third molars, but also in some cases, the lateral incisors will be absent. Caries or dental decay will continue to be a serious problem requiring constant supervision to keep in check. Some representatives of this future race will walk on four-toed feet and many will in early adulthood have become bald. The body hair will be less abundant, perhaps reaching the condition of hairlessness found in Chinese and Negroes.
At times of chaos, humans are subjected to emotion, rather than logic.