Greetings, y'all. 
Figgered I'd make my lurking less creepy by actually joining you merry band of heathens. I'm a forty year old father of three who has spent the last twenty years free from the yoke of Christian bs. Oddly enough, it was a tour of the 'Holy Land' that cemented it for me. (Funny story...even has a vengeful burning bush.) Between all these years of keeping my opinions mostly to myself, I reckoned it time to try associating with others of like mind. Unfortunately for you, that means you. My condolences.
I want to thank you guys in general, btw...the reason I started lurking was to gain additional perspective on Southern Baptists, of all things. My eldest son got a quickie church wedding down in Georgia last month thanks to her parents 'living in sin' concerns. Reading posts here gave me confidence to take on any dumbfuckery they might hit me with. (Luckily, surprisingly!, none.) Still, know thy enemy...
Anywho, I look forward to being a member here. Peace!
PS. To know where I'm coming from, and for brevity's sake, i submit my personal thoughts and views on commonly discussed issues here-
1. No
2. No
4. Yes
5. No
6. Once rigor mortis sets, i don't see the ethical dilemma, grandma!
7. Flapjack titties and a bong
8. Yes
9. Rapture, my ass!
10. Your so full of shit dung beetles must nut themselves waiting on you to meet your maker.
Hope that helps!

Figgered I'd make my lurking less creepy by actually joining you merry band of heathens. I'm a forty year old father of three who has spent the last twenty years free from the yoke of Christian bs. Oddly enough, it was a tour of the 'Holy Land' that cemented it for me. (Funny story...even has a vengeful burning bush.) Between all these years of keeping my opinions mostly to myself, I reckoned it time to try associating with others of like mind. Unfortunately for you, that means you. My condolences.

I want to thank you guys in general, btw...the reason I started lurking was to gain additional perspective on Southern Baptists, of all things. My eldest son got a quickie church wedding down in Georgia last month thanks to her parents 'living in sin' concerns. Reading posts here gave me confidence to take on any dumbfuckery they might hit me with. (Luckily, surprisingly!, none.) Still, know thy enemy...
Anywho, I look forward to being a member here. Peace!
PS. To know where I'm coming from, and for brevity's sake, i submit my personal thoughts and views on commonly discussed issues here-
1. No
2. No
4. Yes
5. No
6. Once rigor mortis sets, i don't see the ethical dilemma, grandma!
7. Flapjack titties and a bong
8. Yes
9. Rapture, my ass!
10. Your so full of shit dung beetles must nut themselves waiting on you to meet your maker.
Hope that helps!