Even as a kid, I had a hard time joining clubs and organizations. At school I never really belonged to any one clique. I tried the YMCA Indian Guides and Boy Scouts, but that was short lived. Belonging to a particular group has always had its appeal, but something always felt wrong, out of place. I voted Republican a couple times in the '80s and you see how that turned out. For awhile I was a card carrying member of the Libertarian Party, but I lost the card along with my interest. I did join the Navy, but I spent a lot of my time wondering what the Marines were up to or reading Soldier of Fortune.
If you're like me, you want to belong, but you just are not a joiner. If so, I've got the club for you. It's called The Club; the club for people who don't like to join.
When you join (or not) The Club you will be issued a membership card, but we promise never to send it to you.
The Club meets once a month, but you are not required to attend.
If you choose to attend The Club meetings, no minutes will be taken and you will kindly leave the other members alone.
The annual national convention of The Club is held every year on February 29th.
The purpose of The Club is to mind our own business and leave people alone.
If you are interested in joining a club you don't have to join, The Club may be for you. Maybe not.
Please fill out the information below and mail it to this address.
If you're like me, you want to belong, but you just are not a joiner. If so, I've got the club for you. It's called The Club; the club for people who don't like to join.
When you join (or not) The Club you will be issued a membership card, but we promise never to send it to you.
The Club meets once a month, but you are not required to attend.
If you choose to attend The Club meetings, no minutes will be taken and you will kindly leave the other members alone.
The annual national convention of The Club is held every year on February 29th.
The purpose of The Club is to mind our own business and leave people alone.
If you are interested in joining a club you don't have to join, The Club may be for you. Maybe not.
Please fill out the information below and mail it to this address.