I remember when this discovery was made. Everyone jumped on board. It is a phenomena called "the Silly Season" which seems to hit every major find in Palestine. During the Silly Season religious nuts go wild trying to attach everything about the find to something in their fucking bible. Perhaps the best example of this concept was the Ebla Library where lots of xtians were shouting they had found Sodom and Gomorrah and Moses and all sorts of other shit in a Middle Bronze Age setting. They had not.
Quote:In 2007 archaeologists announced they had found the great king's tomb, a surprisingly modest mausoleum that was part of the Herodium, a massive complex built by Herod on a cone-shaped hill in the desert outside Jerusalem.
But what everyone thought was his final resting place may not be. The modest structure is too small and modest for the ostentatious king; its mediocre construction and design are at odds with Herod's reputation as a master planner and builder, archaeologists now say.
I remember when this discovery was made. Everyone jumped on board. It is a phenomena called "the Silly Season" which seems to hit every major find in Palestine. During the Silly Season religious nuts go wild trying to attach everything about the find to something in their fucking bible. Perhaps the best example of this concept was the Ebla Library where lots of xtians were shouting they had found Sodom and Gomorrah and Moses and all sorts of other shit in a Middle Bronze Age setting. They had not.