Here on this great forum, we have many wonderful moderators who do their best to manage the flow of traffic, all while attaining to a level of integrity and mutual respect unlike any other forum of which I've ever been a member. The quoting feature here allows members to respond to posts while maintaining context within a given thread, and it allows for including a link to the quoted text. For example, If I quote myself thus...
A link to this quote is provided by clicking the green arrow next to my quote - so it can't be used out of context.
Conversely, if I quote myself thus...
Providing no link to my original post from where the quote originated within context, thus allowing for easy misquotes and misunderstandings.
Therefore, though I know it's not an official RULE, I would personally like to request that all members who quote any of my posts or portions thereof (and who are free to do so), PLEASE include an appropriate link to my original quotes. I cannot enforce such a request upon other members, but it causes no harm to ask, and the worst that could happen is that misunderstandings are avoided. Thank you all.
(October 28, 2013 at 2:02 pm)freedomfromfallacy Wrote: Agreed.
A link to this quote is provided by clicking the green arrow next to my quote - so it can't be used out of context.
Conversely, if I quote myself thus...
freedomfromfallacy Wrote:Agreed.
Providing no link to my original post from where the quote originated within context, thus allowing for easy misquotes and misunderstandings.
Therefore, though I know it's not an official RULE, I would personally like to request that all members who quote any of my posts or portions thereof (and who are free to do so), PLEASE include an appropriate link to my original quotes. I cannot enforce such a request upon other members, but it causes no harm to ask, and the worst that could happen is that misunderstandings are avoided. Thank you all.