Hey, I'm here. Nothin' much to say about that except that. Don't recall how I found this site since I started digging right in to the forum and seriously can't remember how I ended up here. The pitfalls of being electrocuted a few times in life (seriously). Oh well.
Luckily, I do remember who I am to provide you fine folks with a brief introduction. I bet the whole 2 of you who read this will be delighted that I can remember who I am. Now if only I can remember that twelve letter/number/capital password this forum asked me to create...
My name is Tracy. I'm a 29 year old from Wisconsin. Hopefully this is my last winter as I plan to relocate to Arizona next spring. I work as a registered nurse but please don't post pictures of a rash for me; really, I don't want to see your stinky nasty rash. Go get yourself some hydrocortisone and call it a day. On the other hand if you happen to know of any jobs say in the Yauvapai Medical Center, I'd be more than happy to hear from you about your stinky nasty rash that no one cares about.
Outside of work I'm a shy freak with few (ok let's be honest, no) friends who spends time making fancy ass cookies. You know, the kind that take hours to pipe and decorate and look beautiful for a short while until someone shoves them in their mouth thus destroying the art that was my cookies and barely acknowledges their beauty. I can hear you now..."if you dislike it so much why do it in the first place?" Well you know what?? I LIKE licking the icing dammit (and having a reason not to eat the whole bowl of it).
Luckily, I do remember who I am to provide you fine folks with a brief introduction. I bet the whole 2 of you who read this will be delighted that I can remember who I am. Now if only I can remember that twelve letter/number/capital password this forum asked me to create...
My name is Tracy. I'm a 29 year old from Wisconsin. Hopefully this is my last winter as I plan to relocate to Arizona next spring. I work as a registered nurse but please don't post pictures of a rash for me; really, I don't want to see your stinky nasty rash. Go get yourself some hydrocortisone and call it a day. On the other hand if you happen to know of any jobs say in the Yauvapai Medical Center, I'd be more than happy to hear from you about your stinky nasty rash that no one cares about.
Outside of work I'm a shy freak with few (ok let's be honest, no) friends who spends time making fancy ass cookies. You know, the kind that take hours to pipe and decorate and look beautiful for a short while until someone shoves them in their mouth thus destroying the art that was my cookies and barely acknowledges their beauty. I can hear you now..."if you dislike it so much why do it in the first place?" Well you know what?? I LIKE licking the icing dammit (and having a reason not to eat the whole bowl of it).