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What Crosses Your Squick Threshold?
February 3, 2014 at 10:25 pm
(This post was last modified: February 3, 2014 at 10:27 pm by My imaginary friend is GOD.)
What can you not watch because the it disturbs or grosses you out or offends your moral values too much?
And what are the exceptions to that rule?
I cannot watch addiction storylines. Especially if it's a major character suffering from addiction. No, just no.
Exceptions: I did, however, manage to get through Willow's addiction storyline in Buffy.
Incest, near incest (like when there's sex between vampire sire and progeny), or pedophilia.
Exceptions: I did watch a Korean movie once about twins (a boy and a girl) who fall in love. Somehow it was done in a mostly unsquicky way. And I did see both the American and Swedish Let The Right One In, the latter of which implied some pedophilia, which I think was removed from the former. And OMG, especially in Angel, Joss Whedon plays with near incest all the time, and I watch anyway.
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RE: What Crosses Your Squick Threshold?
February 3, 2014 at 10:31 pm
1. Please Twins (incest)
2. Kadomodo no Jikan (pedo)
3. Pretty Baby (incest/pedo)
4. Scenes with Luke and Leia
5. Dance Moms/Toddlers in Tiaras (child abuse/ pedo)
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RE: What Crosses Your Squick Threshold?
February 3, 2014 at 10:39 pm
Am I the only one who has never heard the term squick or squee in my life?
I've seen a lot of gross shit. Gross and gory. A couple friends and I would always send videos back and forth trying to gross each other out or shock each other or whatever. Beheadings, shootings, machete incidents, stonings, etc. All readily available on the amazing internets. Basically everything you can think of. So my threshold is high for most things.
The only thing that really grosses me out is puking. Puking makes me sick. I'm not looking forward to when my kid gets older and starts throwing up. I'm going to lose it.
I also don't watch videos of bad things happening to kids. I think kids falling down is usually funny. But serious injury, child abuse, child death videos, I don't watch.
Also, I don't watch or listen to anything that involves or mentions Lady Gaga or Justin Bieber.
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RE: What Crosses Your Squick Threshold?
February 3, 2014 at 11:03 pm
I saw that a while ago but I don't remember the part you're referring to. Probably a good thing.
The worst I can remember in a move is Pitch Perfect. There are a couple scenes with gross ass puke in that. The worst part is when the girl lays down in it though. I had to cover my eyes lol
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RE: What Crosses Your Squick Threshold?
February 3, 2014 at 11:46 pm
Anything that glorifies redneckery.
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RE: What Crosses Your Squick Threshold?
February 3, 2014 at 11:50 pm
There isn't a lot that makes me 'squick' (I think I used that right?). Generally when I'm eating seeing someone else throw up isn't too nice, otherwise I'm pretty fine with it. The only one thing that does make me feel very uncomfortable to watch, is in certain horror films where skin is being peeled or nails are being pulled out. Otherwise I'm fine with most gore, disgusting shit and everything else I should probably not watch or view.
Oh, and if you guys get a chance, check out r/spacedicks on reddit. That's how I built up my tolerance.