Hello, I'm Glen
June 8, 2014 at 2:41 am
(This post was last modified: June 8, 2014 at 3:01 am by Gleneere.)
Hello guys, I am coming to this forum because I simply do not have anywhere to really talk about by beliefs (or perhaps lack there of). I'll start off with some simple information about me:
I am 18 years old, Male, and live in the USA (I'm sure that's expected though).
I've been an atheist for as long as I could declare my beliefs (though at some point I did go to church and all that as part of the grind).
I was raised by parents who never really rooted for any team (not openly anyway). I mean this in every field. My parents never talked politics (and thus I never got their political ideas), never supported any sports teams (which explains why barely know anything about sports), and never really shared their religious beliefs... Basically I wasn't indoctrined into anything, though my dad always gave very sound advice on practical matters, it never really concerned him that we children shared his other ideas.
I think due the lack of many personal ideas in my family I have become a very independent thinker who really is forced to look at all perspectives objectively since there never really was anyone telling me what I should believe.
The culmination of all this turned into my current allignment in religion: Strong Agnostic Atheism. My definition of which I figure to be: I do not believe that we can ever know there is a god (Agnostic), but I do lean in favor that there isn't a god (Atheism), and therefore live life exactly as though god did not exist at all (Strong).
With all that said, I am an honest person, who has never (and plans to never) voluntarily cussed in conversation, had alcohol (teatotalist), done any recreational drugs, engaged in sexual activity (celibate), engaged in romatic activity (aromatic), and some other stuff I'm sure I just can't think of right now.
The thing is, all that stuff I just mentioned is voluntary, i.e. I wasn't taught not to "sin", it was simply my choice. Now, I'm not going to lie and say I lead a perfect life with these restraints, but I just can't see it having a good effect on me long term... Sort of life eating sweets, my belief is that it may make you feel better short term, but long term, eating too many sweets is connected to a slew of health problems, one of which includes diabetes. I simply extended that philosophy into most aspects of my life.
Anyway, to not bore you with my life perspective, I mention it because I find that I "sin" less often than many people I know who identify with Christianity and other religions, yet everything I do is not to please someone else (god), but to please myself.
Let me know if you need any clarification
Well.. that's all I can think about writing for now, but I am looking forward to joining this community!
In hindsight, I shouldn't have posted this late, whatever..
I am 18 years old, Male, and live in the USA (I'm sure that's expected though).
I've been an atheist for as long as I could declare my beliefs (though at some point I did go to church and all that as part of the grind).
I was raised by parents who never really rooted for any team (not openly anyway). I mean this in every field. My parents never talked politics (and thus I never got their political ideas), never supported any sports teams (which explains why barely know anything about sports), and never really shared their religious beliefs... Basically I wasn't indoctrined into anything, though my dad always gave very sound advice on practical matters, it never really concerned him that we children shared his other ideas.
I think due the lack of many personal ideas in my family I have become a very independent thinker who really is forced to look at all perspectives objectively since there never really was anyone telling me what I should believe.
The culmination of all this turned into my current allignment in religion: Strong Agnostic Atheism. My definition of which I figure to be: I do not believe that we can ever know there is a god (Agnostic), but I do lean in favor that there isn't a god (Atheism), and therefore live life exactly as though god did not exist at all (Strong).
With all that said, I am an honest person, who has never (and plans to never) voluntarily cussed in conversation, had alcohol (teatotalist), done any recreational drugs, engaged in sexual activity (celibate), engaged in romatic activity (aromatic), and some other stuff I'm sure I just can't think of right now.
The thing is, all that stuff I just mentioned is voluntary, i.e. I wasn't taught not to "sin", it was simply my choice. Now, I'm not going to lie and say I lead a perfect life with these restraints, but I just can't see it having a good effect on me long term... Sort of life eating sweets, my belief is that it may make you feel better short term, but long term, eating too many sweets is connected to a slew of health problems, one of which includes diabetes. I simply extended that philosophy into most aspects of my life.
Anyway, to not bore you with my life perspective, I mention it because I find that I "sin" less often than many people I know who identify with Christianity and other religions, yet everything I do is not to please someone else (god), but to please myself.
Let me know if you need any clarification
Well.. that's all I can think about writing for now, but I am looking forward to joining this community!
In hindsight, I shouldn't have posted this late, whatever..
There are stupid people of every belief, and lack thereof