I used to love the TV MASH. Yes it had religious overtones. But the empathy in it despite the horrors of war, is a lesson all humans can learn from.
His character represented an unhealthy blind nationalism and paranoia. Whereas Hawkeye and Trapper and later BJ saw humanity as that no matter where they were from.
Frank would scream if an NK soldier with life threatening injuries were put before an American with minor injuries. I bring up this show and concepts like this because it really needs to be pointed out every so often.
I hate Rush Limbaugh. I think that sick fuck makes his living preying off the gullible and selling fear to get it. Rush is Frank Burns. But in reality if Rush ran a red light in traffic and got t boned and was in need of medical aid, at that moment it would not be any human's job to be judge and let him die because I hate his behavior or actions.
Why do I think this way? Because I know there are believers who hate me and hate what I say, I would not want someone to say "Let that evil atheist die because I don't like what he says".
I promise to my fellow human being, that while I will blast claims I think are absurd, and blast actions of others that are bigoted or oppress, I will not censor you merely because I hate what you might say. I will also lend aid even to those I may not like if the moment requires it.
Frank is a reflection of our species narcissism and selfishness. No, not just Christians, but in all of our species history. He is a reflection of our anthropomorphic utopia think. It takes a wider view of humanity to override our tribal instincts reflected by the compassion of Hawkeye.
His character represented an unhealthy blind nationalism and paranoia. Whereas Hawkeye and Trapper and later BJ saw humanity as that no matter where they were from.
Frank would scream if an NK soldier with life threatening injuries were put before an American with minor injuries. I bring up this show and concepts like this because it really needs to be pointed out every so often.
I hate Rush Limbaugh. I think that sick fuck makes his living preying off the gullible and selling fear to get it. Rush is Frank Burns. But in reality if Rush ran a red light in traffic and got t boned and was in need of medical aid, at that moment it would not be any human's job to be judge and let him die because I hate his behavior or actions.
Why do I think this way? Because I know there are believers who hate me and hate what I say, I would not want someone to say "Let that evil atheist die because I don't like what he says".
I promise to my fellow human being, that while I will blast claims I think are absurd, and blast actions of others that are bigoted or oppress, I will not censor you merely because I hate what you might say. I will also lend aid even to those I may not like if the moment requires it.
Frank is a reflection of our species narcissism and selfishness. No, not just Christians, but in all of our species history. He is a reflection of our anthropomorphic utopia think. It takes a wider view of humanity to override our tribal instincts reflected by the compassion of Hawkeye.