Hello all.
I go by goodwithoutgod in forums. I am an active duty military officer with 29 years of service thus far. I have a degree in religious studies with specialization in christianity from saint leo university, and I am finishing my masters in criminal justice with specialization in critical incident management. I am happily married with 4 kids. A little bit about me below..
I came about my atheism from a different angle then usual. I went from christian, to spiritualist, to agnostic to atheist, the more I learned the less I believed. I have spent my life learning, I have much to learn yet, as we all do. I freely admit my biggest challenge these days is to neutrally review new information without bias, it is a struggle. Especially after over 30 years of research. In my humble opinion, the problem isnt even religion per se, the true problem is faith...because when you ask people why they believe, the answers are surprising...I try to use that as the stepping stone to assist them in slowly learning more about themselves, why they believe, what belief is, opening up the myth for them so that they can do an internal analysis, and hopefully gain the courage to learn more, and believe less. Again, I dont know the answers, I just know that faith, especially for me, is a failed epistemology.
For many years I was of the "I don't believe, live and let live, why would I care what someone else believes" type of outlook. But I feel that religion slithers its way into politics and shapes the laws of this land which affect everyone, it uses fear to brainwash people, and even more despicably, children into believing absolute BS. It is evil to the core, and the ultimate pyramid scheme..money goes up, nothing of value comes down. it preys on the sick, the gullible, the ignorant, the elderly and the uneducated. Its supporters financially and politically use their organized power to block stem cell research that could lead to the curing of deadly diseases, to block a woman's right to abort, to teach creationism in public schools, etc etc..
This is the reason why as an educated intelligent human being it is my moral responsibility to fight the corrosive creep of religion where ever I find it. To look the other way is to imply by inaction that it is ok, and religion is anything but ok. The moderate religious followers who go to church, seek out fellowship, civil community outreach and support of the homeless and poor are great factors of religion, but we don't need religion to have those in society. There are secular organizations that do the same thing...like foundation beyond belief. Just my opinion of course. But this is why i have been self jarred into more assertive action versus religion.
So that's me.
I go by goodwithoutgod in forums. I am an active duty military officer with 29 years of service thus far. I have a degree in religious studies with specialization in christianity from saint leo university, and I am finishing my masters in criminal justice with specialization in critical incident management. I am happily married with 4 kids. A little bit about me below..
I came about my atheism from a different angle then usual. I went from christian, to spiritualist, to agnostic to atheist, the more I learned the less I believed. I have spent my life learning, I have much to learn yet, as we all do. I freely admit my biggest challenge these days is to neutrally review new information without bias, it is a struggle. Especially after over 30 years of research. In my humble opinion, the problem isnt even religion per se, the true problem is faith...because when you ask people why they believe, the answers are surprising...I try to use that as the stepping stone to assist them in slowly learning more about themselves, why they believe, what belief is, opening up the myth for them so that they can do an internal analysis, and hopefully gain the courage to learn more, and believe less. Again, I dont know the answers, I just know that faith, especially for me, is a failed epistemology.
For many years I was of the "I don't believe, live and let live, why would I care what someone else believes" type of outlook. But I feel that religion slithers its way into politics and shapes the laws of this land which affect everyone, it uses fear to brainwash people, and even more despicably, children into believing absolute BS. It is evil to the core, and the ultimate pyramid scheme..money goes up, nothing of value comes down. it preys on the sick, the gullible, the ignorant, the elderly and the uneducated. Its supporters financially and politically use their organized power to block stem cell research that could lead to the curing of deadly diseases, to block a woman's right to abort, to teach creationism in public schools, etc etc..
This is the reason why as an educated intelligent human being it is my moral responsibility to fight the corrosive creep of religion where ever I find it. To look the other way is to imply by inaction that it is ok, and religion is anything but ok. The moderate religious followers who go to church, seek out fellowship, civil community outreach and support of the homeless and poor are great factors of religion, but we don't need religion to have those in society. There are secular organizations that do the same thing...like foundation beyond belief. Just my opinion of course. But this is why i have been self jarred into more assertive action versus religion.
So that's me.

You, not a mythical god, are the author of your book of life, make it one worth reading..and living.