Religion gives a quick and satisfying explanation for the meaning of life.
Evolution, physics, astronomy and the like describe reality as it really is but do take far more effort to understand and let's face it, most people are lazy and just want quick answers.
There is an evolutionary advantage to children believing what adults tell them. "Stay away from the rivers edge or a crocodile will eat you" has helped preserve the species.
However, children can't tell the difference between that and nonsense like "we must make a sacrifice to ensure a good harvest".
Religion is like a virus that affects the behaviour of its host in such a way as to propagate itself further
Religion only persists because adults impose their beliefs on impressionable children.
I have no problem with a belief in a God or a Cosmic Consciousness but to claim that you are in possession of his autobiography takes a special type of delusion.
Evolution, physics, astronomy and the like describe reality as it really is but do take far more effort to understand and let's face it, most people are lazy and just want quick answers.
There is an evolutionary advantage to children believing what adults tell them. "Stay away from the rivers edge or a crocodile will eat you" has helped preserve the species.
However, children can't tell the difference between that and nonsense like "we must make a sacrifice to ensure a good harvest".
Religion is like a virus that affects the behaviour of its host in such a way as to propagate itself further
Religion only persists because adults impose their beliefs on impressionable children.
I have no problem with a belief in a God or a Cosmic Consciousness but to claim that you are in possession of his autobiography takes a special type of delusion.