Every so often someone will post a story about a crime, then add "what if" meaning you could prove without doubt they did it.
I hate this bullshit mental masturbation. There is no such thing as a perfect justice system and people DO get falsely accused all the time. I take this personally, not because I have been accused as an adult. Worst I have done is speeding and that was a long time ago.
When I was in private school as kid our school had a play day, and I got falsely accused of throwing a rock at a car. The entire school was forced to go back inside util someone confessed, meaning me. The entire staff was mad and the other kids hated me for not confessing. I cannot imagine what it would be like to be accused of something major as an adult. That was emotionally stressful and the bullying after also didn't help.
I can play "what ifs" with lots of things, but not this. People don't understand that there is a long term issue, and that isn't about the accused, but what you would want for society long term. There is no perfect world and innocent people get accused of crimes and end up in jail or prison all the time for things they did not do.
I hate this bullshit mental masturbation. There is no such thing as a perfect justice system and people DO get falsely accused all the time. I take this personally, not because I have been accused as an adult. Worst I have done is speeding and that was a long time ago.
When I was in private school as kid our school had a play day, and I got falsely accused of throwing a rock at a car. The entire school was forced to go back inside util someone confessed, meaning me. The entire staff was mad and the other kids hated me for not confessing. I cannot imagine what it would be like to be accused of something major as an adult. That was emotionally stressful and the bullying after also didn't help.
I can play "what ifs" with lots of things, but not this. People don't understand that there is a long term issue, and that isn't about the accused, but what you would want for society long term. There is no perfect world and innocent people get accused of crimes and end up in jail or prison all the time for things they did not do.