I'm so sorry if I'm being overbearing... I only mean good things, and I won't take it personally if you tell me I'm being too forward 
Hahaha! Thanks
Meh. At the age of 38, never with any other desire for them than the very occasional "how could a kid make my life better?" I think it's best I don't have kids
The fact, alone, that she doesn't complain on school days tells me you're doing something right. Every kid I went to school with tried to get out of it quite frequently.
This is one of the reasons I'd choose to homeschool if I could: you guys get to communicate one-on-one and find what's best for you both in this process. You guys get to figure out things you're both good at, and you get to focus on her strengths. She's not stuck, faceless, in a classroom with a bunch of kids either dumbing her down or going too fast. You guys are figuring her out, and I think that's the best kind of education a kid can get.
Everything I read, I'm more impressed. Seriously. You've learned to manage your kid's homeschooling around narcolepsy? Jeezus on a cracker with some goat cheese and sundried tomatoes.
Thank you so much. I might have more later. This topic excites me like crazy, and I'm not sure why

(June 7, 2015 at 2:31 am)Aroura Wrote:(June 7, 2015 at 2:16 am)rexbeccarox Wrote: Aroura, I think that is amazing. I was at a gathering last night, having a chat with a couple of close friends when I brought up your... situation(? I hate that word, maybe due to that awful Jersey Shore, but I can't think of a better one in my stoned state). One of them has a twelve-year-old going through the common core stuff, and we were talking about how very strange it is. I was saying that if I had the kid and the resources, I would totally homeschool my (admittedly, imaginary) kid, have him or her involved in social groups, like the scouts (I was a GS camp counselor back in the day), and have him or her take the tests to get into a good university program if that's what they wanted.
How do you feel about the homeschooling thing? Do you enjoy it? Do you think it has a net benefit for your kid? You? Do you guys have a good working relationship?
Thanks a bunch Rebecca.I really appreciate the support!
It's ok, situation is as good a word as any, lol
Hahaha! Thanks

Quote:If you do have a kid someday, don't be afraid to try it! It's daunting on the surface, but no so bad once you start doing it.
Meh. At the age of 38, never with any other desire for them than the very occasional "how could a kid make my life better?" I think it's best I don't have kids

Quote:Let's see, I feel that homeschooling has been great for my kid. She's really had a chance to excel in some areas, and to go at her own pace overall, which I think is the best part of homeschooling for her. I really hope there is a net benefit for her! I think it's one of those things I'll be constantly gaging as we go. But so far she's already well into 3rd grade curriculum, and she never complains on school days, she seems to enjoy what we do....so it all seems to be working well for her, so far.
The fact, alone, that she doesn't complain on school days tells me you're doing something right. Every kid I went to school with tried to get out of it quite frequently.
Quote:We do have a good working relationship, I think. Sometimes I lose my patience, but I have never told her she must do a things just because I say so, so she will point out if she thinks I'm being harsh or pushy, or if she thinks she needs more space or practice on something. I beleive in treating her a bit like a little adult, so although I'm the teacher and mom and she respects that, she also respects her own reasoning and isn't afraid to tell me if she thinks I'm wrong about something.
This is one of the reasons I'd choose to homeschool if I could: you guys get to communicate one-on-one and find what's best for you both in this process. You guys get to figure out things you're both good at, and you get to focus on her strengths. She's not stuck, faceless, in a classroom with a bunch of kids either dumbing her down or going too fast. You guys are figuring her out, and I think that's the best kind of education a kid can get.
Quote:Do I enjoy it? That one is tougher. Because of my anxiety thing and narcolepsy, I can get overwhelmed. Fortunately, my husband has loosened up a bit on the "schedule" thing, and lets us enjoy the more flexible schedule that homeschooling can provide. So if I teach for a couple hours in the morning, then require a nap, I will put in a Bill Nye video, or something we picked up at the library, or something educational (recently she wanted to learn about the American Revolution, and I found this great PBS series call Liberty's Kids), and she will eat lunch and watch that while I have a nap. So sometimes we'll still be doing school at 4pm. But whatever, it's working for us.
Everything I read, I'm more impressed. Seriously. You've learned to manage your kid's homeschooling around narcolepsy? Jeezus on a cracker with some goat cheese and sundried tomatoes.
Quote:I do enjoy feeling that I'm doing the best I can for my kid. At the same time, I know it is taking a bit of a toll on my (mental) health. But I think it's a fair trade.
Thank you so much. I might have more later. This topic excites me like crazy, and I'm not sure why

Nolite te bastardes carborundorum.