Well, this is a first. At least the first I can remember. You'll need to take into account that I'm old and feeble.
To get to the bottom of the emissions scandal, VW states "employees [Edit] have nothing to fear from the company in the way of repercussions on the job such as being fired or held liable for damages whistle blowers". However, there are other stipulations.
It will be interesting to see if any come forward and for those who do what happens to them.
To get to the bottom of the emissions scandal, VW states "employees [Edit] have nothing to fear from the company in the way of repercussions on the job such as being fired or held liable for damages whistle blowers". However, there are other stipulations.
It will be interesting to see if any come forward and for those who do what happens to them.
Being told you're delusional does not necessarily mean you're mental.