It seems to me one can point out "Life" (the sum of all living) as the God of many people...
Some say God aka the Great Spirit "sees everything" and "hears everything". I know only of one type of being that has perceptions : living beings. The sum of all living beings sees everything that is seen. It hears everything that is heard...
Other say God knows everything and is omnipotent. Isn't Life clearly a phenomenon that tends to become all-knowing and omnipotent? Is it impossible that some day our offspring will be all-knowing and omnipotent? Maybe not individually, but on a collective scale... And Life is capable of everything : Life knows how to "eat mud"; it knows how to breath in water; it knows how to feed 20000 leagues under the sea; it knows a lot of things... since every living being is an incarnated knowledge.
Then, other say God (Vishnu) is the Creator (Brahma), the Protector (Vishnu) and the double-faced Destroyer (Shiva / Rudra who represent constructive destruction and gratuitous violence, so to say). I know only one thing that has creative, protective and destructive behaviours : Life. Life creates lifeforms through the process of creating solutions to master the environment. Life protects it's integrity, values,... Life destroys, sometimes with a constructive purpose, sometimes for no reason at all...
Is it possible some humans considered Life sacred and that it were a mystery to explore? And if the God of our forefathers was Life and not some excentrical old bearded spaghetti monster, could genetics be the Revelation that was promised to them? The vast majority of the history of the planet was written over the last few decades. Everything that was covered in darkness has now been revealed by this science...
Would you say that you are an ennemy of Life or that you don't believe in Life?

It seems to me one can point out "Life" (the sum of all living) as the God of many people...
Some say God aka the Great Spirit "sees everything" and "hears everything". I know only of one type of being that has perceptions : living beings. The sum of all living beings sees everything that is seen. It hears everything that is heard...
Other say God knows everything and is omnipotent. Isn't Life clearly a phenomenon that tends to become all-knowing and omnipotent? Is it impossible that some day our offspring will be all-knowing and omnipotent? Maybe not individually, but on a collective scale... And Life is capable of everything : Life knows how to "eat mud"; it knows how to breath in water; it knows how to feed 20000 leagues under the sea; it knows a lot of things... since every living being is an incarnated knowledge.
Then, other say God (Vishnu) is the Creator (Brahma), the Protector (Vishnu) and the double-faced Destroyer (Shiva / Rudra who represent constructive destruction and gratuitous violence, so to say). I know only one thing that has creative, protective and destructive behaviours : Life. Life creates lifeforms through the process of creating solutions to master the environment. Life protects it's integrity, values,... Life destroys, sometimes with a constructive purpose, sometimes for no reason at all...
Is it possible some humans considered Life sacred and that it were a mystery to explore? And if the God of our forefathers was Life and not some excentrical old bearded spaghetti monster, could genetics be the Revelation that was promised to them? The vast majority of the history of the planet was written over the last few decades. Everything that was covered in darkness has now been revealed by this science...
Would you say that you are an ennemy of Life or that you don't believe in Life?