Quote:is abomber aircraft under development byNorthrop Grumman. As part of the Long Range Strike Bomber program (LRS-B), it is to be a long-range strategic bomberfor the United States Air Force,[1][url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northrop_Grumman_B-21#cite_note-afmil-1][/url]
Yep. It drops loads of death, consuming human flesh like no other, it tells no difference between a civilian and a criminal.
Gotta say: theists, atheists, how do you tell the difference from that height, anyways??
I always get these thoughts especially at night: if non-believers were so nice, then why is the world so full of weapons?
Humans just love to debate, talk talk talk, we really talk a lot !
but we bomb and slaughter more than we talk !
If everybody believed that "killing" another life, will get them to burn in pit called hell, if everybody knew the consequences of crimes like stealing, robbery (btw big banks and big companies do it everyday and because of it: wars spark everywhere).
The screams of all these kids in Vietnam ! Napalm !
What about Iraq? AC-130s were deployed once, THEY BOMBED CITIES WITH THAT !
So, when the world turned secular, nuclear weapons came to existence, ain't it just so funny?
Religious fanatics are indeed guilty in this; a lot of them fight in the lowest levels, but non believers should never appoint themselves "innocent". Yah..atomic weapons didn't exist and get created for religious reasons, rather, for materialistic low-life earthly reasons: superiority in the battlefield.
I cite religious bigotry. But I too cite non-religious bigotry.
That's why everybody fights me.
That's why everybody hates me.
That's why I'm so alone, friendless and alone, but happy ! because I get to sleep at night, imagining a green garden and the guts spilled by nationalism not spilled; the kids turn into birds flying in happiness.
Such a pretty garden !
You? take this life, it's gonna end soon anyways.
Mine at least. I mind it not

I tried to end the wars..I tried to tell about the creator..
Everybody is guilty..Aren't you sick, of the smell of death? when you say "my country is better than other countries/ or I'm better because I follow a certain religion" you contribute to that pile of dead bodies!
I'm a Muslim! deep inside, I know: either I'm wrong, or you're wrong, I, believe, that after death, we'll get up and God will judge between us, you don't believe so, okay. Let's put the rifles aside and stop killing each other and JUST WAIT !
Patience, wait until you depart !
My lord gifted me. I'm thankful.
Your book opened my eyes..
Blood..guts..ew..wars..disgusting freaks !
Bomb then sing, kill then celebrate