In a whirlwind of sorrow and dismay, a waking shock that came to slap; to warn that things weren't at all okay.
That whirlwind does indeed bring a feeling of unique inspiration. An inspiration that is fueled by a fear, one fear that is in its core a mere reaction that is derived from deep remorse, a deep regret over one's own cranky this; stepping over friends in that; losing control to let a stream of emotions that is indeed bad, in the face of an old friend that he once had.
Emotions are such a great mystery. Not what they are, but did you hear what the wise explained? tracking emotions to the heart, yet to come another wise person to conclude them emotions in a chemical reaction, that the brain is where it ends and starts?
So many quotes from so many wise humans, non change what emotions are: arrows that pierce our bodies in every direction, objection? that is not even a choice; objection only tires you, consumes you, eats you.
Letting go in the right moment, letting the whirlwind consumes you, and the tears of remorse run on your cold cheeks and cleanse you with warmth, it is then when you see the inspiration; rising to the occasion; hope starts to tickle your dreams, injecting in you what it seems, like a sweet salvation that is so understood and realized, so special and unique.
Apology, with a gift? Maybe a meal where you offer your small fortune of paper to get, for that wounded friend you hurt. You wear a lighter shoe, so the eggs never break in awe; asking why they were broken and by who?
You walk outside the whirlwind, smiling, not crying. You just found the inspiration you need. The merciful liberating deed. Never lose friends so easily, the mystery of emotions can never be broken; but it can be pierced by whirlwinds of sorrow and tears of warm, hot misery which are able to finally crack the shell, to get the inspiration; that diamond beyond the case; that shiny essence that we call hope.
That whirlwind does indeed bring a feeling of unique inspiration. An inspiration that is fueled by a fear, one fear that is in its core a mere reaction that is derived from deep remorse, a deep regret over one's own cranky this; stepping over friends in that; losing control to let a stream of emotions that is indeed bad, in the face of an old friend that he once had.
Emotions are such a great mystery. Not what they are, but did you hear what the wise explained? tracking emotions to the heart, yet to come another wise person to conclude them emotions in a chemical reaction, that the brain is where it ends and starts?
So many quotes from so many wise humans, non change what emotions are: arrows that pierce our bodies in every direction, objection? that is not even a choice; objection only tires you, consumes you, eats you.
Letting go in the right moment, letting the whirlwind consumes you, and the tears of remorse run on your cold cheeks and cleanse you with warmth, it is then when you see the inspiration; rising to the occasion; hope starts to tickle your dreams, injecting in you what it seems, like a sweet salvation that is so understood and realized, so special and unique.
Apology, with a gift? Maybe a meal where you offer your small fortune of paper to get, for that wounded friend you hurt. You wear a lighter shoe, so the eggs never break in awe; asking why they were broken and by who?
You walk outside the whirlwind, smiling, not crying. You just found the inspiration you need. The merciful liberating deed. Never lose friends so easily, the mystery of emotions can never be broken; but it can be pierced by whirlwinds of sorrow and tears of warm, hot misery which are able to finally crack the shell, to get the inspiration; that diamond beyond the case; that shiny essence that we call hope.