Student Satanists Announce Lamb Sacrifice and Bible Burning at Clemson U
March 12, 2017 at 4:23 pm
Look at what these cunts are doing.
Quote:As most people know, demonic cults were a myth propagated in the 1990s with the hysteria of ritual abuse spreading throughout the US and Europe. They never existed, but it has become trendy for some people to emulate the imagined practices of Satanists. And now students at Clemson University have announced plans (via a poster) to perform a “live bloodletting and lamb sacrifice” and a burning of Bibles to commemorate the building of a new campus chapel.
A poster on campus attributed to a student organization calling themselves the “Clemson Unorthodox Neo-Satanic Temple (CUNT)” announced plans to perform the ceremony at the “CUNT Afterlife Party” on March 11. No location was specified. The poster contains imagery associated with Satanism, like pentagrams and an illustration of the goat-headed Baphomet.
It goes on to state that a live lamb will be provided for sacrifice by “[their] friends” at the Clemson Collegiate Farm Bureau. A Bible-torching ceremony is listed as part of the proceedings, with a cash prize for the student who burns the most Bibles. Finally, attendees are invited partake in a pentagram completion event, where they will “help summon Baphomet to celebrate the new Clemson Chapel.”