Watergate II
June 9, 2017 at 10:57 pm
(This post was last modified: June 9, 2017 at 10:59 pm by DarkerEnergy.)
This is where Trump can prove himself a liar in a multitude of ways, all of which can bring down his presidency, possibly all because of a Tweet. He has painted himself into a wall of both political and legal trouble.
The House has now requested that Trump provide any recordings if there are any. Trump now has no choice but to provide any recordings that may exist, or face the same battle that Nixon fought and lost four decades ago.
There are a few possibilities here - Keith Olbermann made a similar list.
1)Trump has tapes and they show enough content to prove Comey has lied under oath in which case, Comey can be charged with perjury.
2)Trump is going to produce a short doctored tape that proves nothing, and like Nixon will be shown to be edited -- which technology today can do rather easily.
3)Trump has tapes but will not release them, resulting in a legal battle that makes him look guilty.
4)Trump has tapes but has destroyed them, erased them, or in same way tampered with them rendering them useless in some deliberate action. This too will only draw more attention to him from investigators, and make him look guilty like Nixon in Watergate
5)He will deny the existence of any tapes but another WH staff member informs the media or congress that they in fact DO exist - possibly under indictment - in which case he will be charged with perjury and obstruction, pure and simple
6)The tapes exist and possibly in some way attest to collusion between his campaign and Russia -- but he forgot.
7)There are no tapes at all in which case Trump he will have to explain the cryptic meaning behind his Tweet inferring to the existence of recordings in one on one conversations with our FBI director, and why he would not simply so say before. Given the jaw dropping ignorance Trump and his legal team have of the law and the retarded explanations he is known for, who knows what we'll hear.
I'd say with Trumps history of being a pathological liar, not remembering what lies he said and when, and his tendency to make inflammatory and impulsive reactions under pressure, he's probably going to further incriminate himself in some way. It will either vindicate Trump (who knows), or get him n loads of trouble legally -- whether his followers like it or not.
The House has now requested that Trump provide any recordings if there are any. Trump now has no choice but to provide any recordings that may exist, or face the same battle that Nixon fought and lost four decades ago.
Quote:House and Senate investigators fired off a series of requests after former FBI Director James Comey's testimony, seeking memos of his private discussions with President Donald Trump and any records the White House kept of their discussion -- including audio recordings.
The leaders of the House Russia investigation, Reps. Michael Conaway, a Texas Republican, and Adam Schiff, a California Democrat, sent a request Friday directly to Comey for copies of his memos. They sent a separate request to Trump's White House counsel, Don McGahn, for any record the White House had of their meetings.
The House requested Comey and the White House provide the records, including tapes if they exist, by June 23.
Quote:During a news conference Friday, Trump said he'd have more information related to whether tapes exist at a later date.
"I am not hinting at anything," Trump said, twice declining to elaborate. "I will tell you about it over a very short period of time."
There are a few possibilities here - Keith Olbermann made a similar list.
1)Trump has tapes and they show enough content to prove Comey has lied under oath in which case, Comey can be charged with perjury.
2)Trump is going to produce a short doctored tape that proves nothing, and like Nixon will be shown to be edited -- which technology today can do rather easily.
3)Trump has tapes but will not release them, resulting in a legal battle that makes him look guilty.
4)Trump has tapes but has destroyed them, erased them, or in same way tampered with them rendering them useless in some deliberate action. This too will only draw more attention to him from investigators, and make him look guilty like Nixon in Watergate
5)He will deny the existence of any tapes but another WH staff member informs the media or congress that they in fact DO exist - possibly under indictment - in which case he will be charged with perjury and obstruction, pure and simple
6)The tapes exist and possibly in some way attest to collusion between his campaign and Russia -- but he forgot.
7)There are no tapes at all in which case Trump he will have to explain the cryptic meaning behind his Tweet inferring to the existence of recordings in one on one conversations with our FBI director, and why he would not simply so say before. Given the jaw dropping ignorance Trump and his legal team have of the law and the retarded explanations he is known for, who knows what we'll hear.

I'd say with Trumps history of being a pathological liar, not remembering what lies he said and when, and his tendency to make inflammatory and impulsive reactions under pressure, he's probably going to further incriminate himself in some way. It will either vindicate Trump (who knows), or get him n loads of trouble legally -- whether his followers like it or not.